Monthly Archives: January 2019

Friends and Acquaintances

Most people have many acquaintances and a few friends. They may think they have more friends than they actually do until they stop and think about their relationships. Then they’ll probably realize that several people they thought of as friends … Continue reading

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Leveling Up

We’re all on one type of level in life. It’s not ultimately determined by age, income, societal status, etc. It comes down to what we do with what we’ve been given. How much self-improvement work you do determines whether you … Continue reading

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My Daytime Routine

Recently, I noticed I’ve developed a new routine during the day. This routine allows me to get a lot of stuff I need to do and want to do completed in my waking hours, makes my days feel longer, and … Continue reading

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Priorities: Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand

This is a great short story about priorities and focusing on the important things in life. I’ve seen a few different versions of it and I don’t know the title or the author, but I like this one for its … Continue reading

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“Father Forgets”

“Father Forgets” is a short story by W. Livingston Larned. I found out about it because Dale Carnegie included in How to Win Friends and Influence People. It illustrates the importance of compassion, perspective, empathy, understanding, and forgiveness. I love … Continue reading

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Solitude and Finding Contentment Within Myself

For as long as I can remember, I’ve gone out regularly with a group of people I see on a regular basis: friends, coworkers, classmates, etc. I’ve been in many different groups over the past six years in particular, but … Continue reading

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Why I Love Cold Showers

I’ve mentioned that I recently started taking cold showers in a few previous posts, but I haven’t talked much about them. Now that I’ve been taking them for a few weeks, I’ve noticed some things that I’d like to talk … Continue reading

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Beware of Echo Chambers

The internet has made it easier than ever before to interact with other people. Most people have many friends in their social media circles who think like them, and some go as far as having nothing but those kinds of … Continue reading

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Always Do Your Best

The final agreement Don Miguel Ruiz covers in The Four Agreements is “Always Do Your Best”. Like the other agreements, this is one I try to follow even though I don’t always succeed, but an occasional reminder helps get me … Continue reading

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Go Easy on Yourself

Some people are very hard on themselves. They’ll heavily reprimand themselves for the slightest mistake and show themselves little to no compassion or understanding. This can be most easily seen when they’re trying to learn something new or do self-improvement … Continue reading

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