When Everything Starts to Make Sense

There comes a time when your perspective shifts, everything starts to make sense, and you begin to understand why things happened the way they did. You look back at painful moments and see the lessons you learned from them. You now know why some people stuck around while others left. And you realize that things that once appeared random and meaningless were actually carefully orchestrated for a definite purpose. That purpose was to get you to this point and to give you the tools you’d need to fulfill your life mission.

This makes it easier to accept the things you’ve experienced. Even if it still hurts to think about some of the things in your past, you now know why they had to happen. You wouldn’t be who you are if those things hadn’t shaped and inspired you the way they did. Sometimes they added something good to you and other times they removed something bad from you; either way, you’re now grateful for them and see them as beneficial. You might even find it hard to imagine where you’d be or who you’d be if you hadn’t had those experiences.

As you look back at your past self, you can’t help but have mountains of compassion and wish you could go back and show yourself even a small glimpse of things to come. That would make it easier to weather the storms and know that it’ll all be worth it. Even if you can’t do that, you can still keep this in mind as you face new sets of challenges that will take you to increasingly better places in life. Learning from your experiences is what got you this far, and who knows how far it’ll take you in the years to come? Only one way to find out. Are you ready?

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