What Do You Want in Life?

What do you want in life, and what are you doing to get it? Are your actions taking you closer to achieving your dreams or have you gotten stuck in a rut, going through the motions rather than moving forward? I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately and I decided to write about my thoughts on the subject. 

There are two big goals I hope to accomplish in my life: travel extensively and help other people. I’ve made separate posts about each one but I’ll briefly go over them here.

Most traveling I’ve done has been in the US. I love going on road trips and seeing what this country has to offer. While I enjoy flying and have never gotten sick or anxious on a flight, I’d rather drive because it would let me see more and give me more time/freedom to explore wherever I go and take what I want with me. Someday I hope to spend a few years taking a road trip around the US, seeing the sights, meeting people, visiting with friends, and making wonderful memories along the way.

I’ve felt called to help people all my life and have spent years working on ideas to do so effectively. I believe that this is my primary purpose in life and that I’ve either been given or allowed to develop the tools to accomplish this. Although I can’t yet help people as much as I’d like, I still do what I can now as I work toward the ideas I have in mind. Things are already moving quickly in that direction, which is exciting and gives me hope that my ideas will come to fruition. 

Apart from my big goals, I have several smaller (though still important) goals. Perhaps the most important one to me that would also make all the other ones possible is to not get stuck in a system like so many others have. I want to avoid spending most of my waking hours working at a job (even if it’s one I enjoy) for the majority of my life and being left with almost no free time for my passions, interests, and friends and family. That’s why I’m interested in starting a business around my lifestyle. Even business owners can get caught up working their lives away, so I’m looking for something that will give me the financial freedom and the time freedom to enjoy the other areas in my life. When I’m on my deathbed, I don’t want to examine a long list of dreams I never tried to chase because I was so busy working. I want to be able to look back on a life full of warm memories and good times doing things I enjoy with the people I love. 

Personal development, which is another lifelong goal of mine, has helped me a lot with all of this. I’ve learned a lot about slowing down, thinking ahead, calming myself down, doing small tasks each day that will add up significantly over time, getting my priorities in order, and interacting positively with other people. This has all given me a sense that I’m in the driver’s seat in my life rather than a passenger; I have control over where I go instead of simply going wherever life happens to take me. I could fill many pages with specific goals I have, but this is an overview of what I want in life. If I get this right, I figure it’ll open the doors for getting everything else right as well. Thanks for reading this, and I’d love to hear what you hope to get out of your life. 

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