Tag Archives: stories

Stories and Interruptions

From what I’ve seen, it’s getting harder and harder to find good storytelling. This is not caused by a lack of good storytellers. There are plenty of excellent storytellers who can keep others engaged for hours with all kinds of … Continue reading

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More of My Thoughts on Taking Chances

As I look back over my life and realize how many chances I’ve taken, it makes me wonder why taking chances can still frighten me. The unknown hasn’t always made me feel afraid but it has done so for most … Continue reading

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Putting the Pieces Together

Unsolved problems keep coming back up. This is true from the individual level all the way through the global level. So many problems remain unsolved because one or more parts of any given problem are being ignored. In far too … Continue reading

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Judgments and Stories

I do my best to avoid judging the emotions I feel throughout the day. On my best days, I apply this to other people as well. It’s easy to make quick judgments, especially when someone does something I dislike. When … Continue reading

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Stay Out of the Story

My mind is rarely content to sit with emotions. It loves to turn them into a story and run with it as a justification for those feelings. This prevents understanding of what actually happened and makes it much harder to … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Inspirational People, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Power and Danger of Stories

Stories are everywhere. They’re how we communicate our ideas and values to those around us and they’re how we try to make sense of the world. When we observe something, our brains tend to automatically write a story around that … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Stories and Dancing

Kurt Vonnegut has a fascinating lecture about the shapes of stories. He goes through several examples of the rises, falls, and good and bad fortune that characters in stories can experience before looking at a story that has a very … Continue reading

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“1000 Marbles”

This is a story I first read years ago. A clipping of it hangs on my refrigerator and inspired me to make this blog post. I hope you enjoy it and the wisdom it contains: The older I get, the … Continue reading

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