Tag Archives: silence

Downsides of Being Quiet

Being the quiet one is not all it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes it’s downright awful. On many occasions, my dog Sawyer was the only one in my life who treated me with quiet kindness and respected what I needed … Continue reading

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4 Tricks for Better Conversations

Effective conversation can be difficult at times. There are many ways for conversations to go off the rails, even if they start off smoothly. Fortunately, there are also many ways to get them back on track or keep them from … Continue reading

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Letting Moments Breathe

It’s so important to give space for moments to breathe, whether those moments are serious or lighthearted. So many people will watch a video or a listen to a song and talk through the whole thing instead of paying attention … Continue reading

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Working Through My Thoughts

Many people are afraid of being alone with their thoughts. I understand and relate to that as my mind still gets the best of me at times. However, the more time I’ve spent by myself with no external distractions, the … Continue reading

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Golden Silence

On Thursday, my mindfulness buddy mentioned driving around in silence as a mindfulness exercise and asked if I’d ever tried it. I said no and then started realizing how uncomfortable I can feel in silence (outside of floating, that is). … Continue reading

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Review of No Country for Old Men

I saw No Country for Old Men for the first time on Wednesday and I loved it. The Coen Brothers did an excellent job with this movie, especially since it feels completely different than “O Brother, Where Art Thou?”, which … Continue reading

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