Stepping Stones to Greatness

If you’re on a self-improvement journey, you’ll soon reach a point that is noticeably better than anything else you’ve had before and it’ll feel great to be there. Some people stop at this point and stay there for the rest of their lives, but you can keep improving if you want. If you do, then this point takes on a whole new meaning. Rather than being the pinnacle of your life and the end of your progress, it’ll be just one of many milestones and stepping stones to something greater. Continuing to improve your life will eventually get you to a milestone so amazing and so different from everything before it that it’ll make your first big milestone seem like nothing.

I think that a lot of people stop at their first big milestone because they think that they’ve reached their full potential. This doesn’t have to be the case, but they often convince themselves that they’ll never climb any higher in life than they already have. If you think that you can’t make any more progress, then you probably won’t. That defeatist mindset will prevent you from looking for and finding other ways to improve. You may make some small progress in the things you’re already doing as long as you keep doing them, but you probably won’t make any major progress like you once did.

To get out of this limiting mindset and into an empowering mindset, think about how far you’ve come and how much you’ve done that you never imagined yourself doing until you did it. After that, focus on a goal that you haven’t yet accomplished, find a lot of people who have accomplished what you want to do (or something similar to it), and then study their methods. If you can, get in touch with them and ask for guidance. In addition to getting lots of great advice and practical plans, you’ll probably also discover that they’re just like you. They experienced fear, doubt, indecision, and a whole range of negative emotions on their journey, and they probably still experience those things from time to time. That’ll show you that they’re not forces of nature who easily overcame every obstacle that crossed their path. They’re people just like you, and they found a way to make the life of their dreams a reality. What’s stopping you from doing the same? Asking myself that question and then giving myself space to ponder it has shown me the stumbling blocks and allowed me to figure out how to remove them. It’s often been difficult but it’s always been worth it, and I hope this post gives you what you need to discover that for yourself so you can make every year the best year of your life.

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