My Lovely Walk

I went for a walk around my neighborhood last Saturday. By the time I set out, the rain had stopped and the sky was clear enough to see reflections of the setting sun and its wonderful colors on the clouds. Everything was bathed in this lovely purple light. The temperature was near perfect; comfortable without being too hot or too cold. Aside from the quickly receding sunlight, it felt a lot like the morning with all the chirping birds and handful of people out walking.

Rarely do I experience a sunset after rain. Now I want to see more of them. I normally talk through different ideas on my walks but I was mostly silent on this one once I fully realized how amazing everything looked. Even my mind was much quieter than usual as I took everything in. I wish I’d gotten some pictures, though I’m sure they wouldn’t have done the scenery justice.

That walk gave me the feeling that everything will be ok. Since that message has been the theme of my life for almost a month now, it was super nice to get that reminder and the deep peace that comes with it. It was such a magical time that it almost felt imaginary. It felt like being in a warm ending to a wholesome movie. That walk was the highlight of my day and one of the highlights of my weekend. I’m so glad I got to experience it. Wonderful ending to the second day of the first full spring month this year.

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Six Months

It’s been a little over six months since my most recent birthday. Hard to believe that much time has passed already. Feels like yesterday that I was on a beautiful beach celebrating with some wonderful friends. We danced, had some water gun fights, spent a lot of time in the ocean, had lots of great conversations, and they sang to me while giving me a birthday cupcake. One of my friends also gave me my first ever surfing lesson. That was one of the best days of my life. I felt just like Bear in this clip from Bear in the Big Blue House: surrounded by love and so full of love from everyone showing me how much I mean to them.

Since then, I’ve had some big shakeups in my life. A situation I thought would go on for years ended abruptly three months later, just before the end of 2021. I’ve released a lot of negativity that I didn’t know was still there, worked on repairing several relationships with people close to me, and gained a lot of clarity on my next steps in life. There’s been a lot of anxiety, depression, feelings of hopelessness, and questions about my future, including whether I even had a future. Fortunately, I’ve been able to overcome all of that thanks to a lot of inner work and a lot of love from friends and family alike.

It’s wild to think how much has changed over the past six months, mostly for good. I never saw all this coming. It feels like the sun has come back in my life. I’ve found a new sense of meaning and purpose after a long stretch of feeling depressed and thinking it was all pointless. I still don’t know exactly what the future holds but I have a better plan for how to move forward. My goal is the same but I’ve changed my approach to reaching that goal. I might take some detours along the way. Already starting down some paths I thought were closed off to me after I exited them many years ago. That’s ok. Not everything worth doing is a straight shot from Point A to Point B. Sometimes detours are a necessary part of the process.

All of this feels like I’m waking up from a ten year dream. Both the last few months of 2021 and the entirety of 2022 thus far have been quite different than I thought they’d be. I didn’t expect it to go like this but I’m glad for what’s happened since it’s taken this turn. Each day, I’ll continue to move a little closer to the life I want. I look forward to seeing how the next six months go and where I’ll be in life when my next birthday comes around.

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Went to the park today

Looked out over the calm, crystal clear, beautiful water

Walked by the man fishing

And a few men sitting on the bench

Another one casts his line and then steps back

Family with kids running around playing

Having the time of their lives

Birds making music

Squirrels looking for supper

Sitting on the park bench soaking it all in

So many lives crossing


As if we were all drawn to be there

At the same place, at the same time


Having never seen each other before

And maybe never seeing each other again

Here, together

For a little while

Until we move on to cross paths

With others

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Lots of vulnerability in this post. I’m sharing this because it’s highly relevant to me right now and it may very well be relevant to you, if not now then maybe sometime in the past or sometime in the future.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my childhood lately. Missing it, wishing it could come back, and also wishing I knew how good I had it at the time. Those long summer breaks, the shorter (though still long feeling) Christmas and spring breaks away from school so I could stay home, play, watch TV, and swim in the summer months. I swam a lot as a kid. Then there was getting out of the pool, sitting at an outdoor table by the pool still soaking wet, and eating a sandwich, Goldfish crackers, and drinking sweet iced tea. That was it, man. I loved it. Those days were beautiful and felt endless.

Even school was pretty easy for me during most of my school career. Math got harder toward the end of high school and there were always some things I disliked but I enjoyed school overall. I enjoyed my classmates, my friends, most of my teachers, and most of the subjects. I enjoyed running around in PE, playing, having fun, and feeling free. No responsibilities outside of school and some chores around the house. No job to go to, no bills to pay, and no awareness of world events because I paid no attention at all to the news back then. It was amazing and wonderful, and it’s over and I miss it and I hate the fact that it’s not coming back.

I don’t know what I would have done differently if I knew then how I’d feel about it now. I don’t know if I would have done anything more with that time and freedom or if I already enjoyed it to the fullest while I had it; it seems like I made the most of it. In a lot of ways, it feels like I’m still that little kid in an adult body now, trying to make it in a world that’s big, scary, complicated, and confusing. I wish that wasn’t the case. I wish I could just play and have fun with people who like me and I like them. There are probably a lot of people who feel this way as well. Lots of people wish they didn’t have to go into a job they hate. They seem to wonder where not just their childhood but also their youth went, especially if they’re in the latter half of their life at this point. A lot of folks look forward to retirement so they can once again have time for themselves, their loved ones, and their passions. Then they’ll be able to live life more on their terms instead of on the terms of a boss, employer, manager, company, etc. Just like they did as kids.

It may be for the best that during my childhood, I didn’t think much beyond it. Knowing me and how much I tend to worry about things, if I had thought a lot beyond my childhood, I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed it nearly as much. Though far from perfect, I have a lot of fond memories from that time and I think I enjoyed it as much as I could’ve, given the situation and who I was. I don’t think the constant thought repeating in my head of “This will end someday so enjoy it while you can” would have helped me enjoy it any more. If anything, it would probably have made me miss out on a lot of the fun and magic of childhood. So it’s good that I was more present and less future focused during that time.

Something I do wish I’d done, either in my childhood or toward the beginning of my adulthood, is get a better grasp on emotional intelligence. I’ve learned a lot about that over the past few years. If I’d had the same knowledge ten years ago that I do now, it would have helped me out a lot. I could have better dealt with a lot of issues that came up and maybe even prevented some issues entirely. I could have gotten off to a better start by having some idea of a career, what to do with my life, ways to support myself, etc. I’d probably be a lot further ahead than I currently am if I had gotten that earlier start. That also probably would have kept a lot of magic in my life. I still had that for a while despite feeling depressed a lot, which I still feel at times (especially this year). At least going into my first few jobs, I still had a lot of positivity and sense of magic and wonder about things, even if a lot of the folks I worked alongside didn’t. But being around so many people full of cynicism gradually weighed me down over the years. I’m working on removing that now, along with a lot of negativity from my childhood and early adulthood that, until relatively recently, I didn’t realize was still there. I want to remove as much of the fear, depression, and cynicism as I can since those things are really holding me back. Whenever I operate without them, I feel a lot better and do a lot better at everything. That’s why I’m working so much on releasing them this year.

Unfortunately, as they say in my favorite Queen song, I can’t turn back the clock. The only place I can relive those waves of nostalgia are in my memories. I feel grateful that I remember so much and can revisit so much of my life in my memories. Sometimes I’ll come across something in my room that takes me back to a time and place I’d long forgotten. Fearing I’ll forget those times in my life if I lose access to objects tied to certain memories is why I have a hard time parting with things from my past, even when I haven’t used or thought about them in a long time.

I’ve spent some time mourning the loss of my childhood as well as gradually accepting the fact that it’s not coming back. Releasing those feelings is helping me avoid staying stuck in the past. I’ve also been enjoying certain things recently that I also enjoyed as a kid. Books, TV shows, movies, toys, stuffed animals, memories, etc. I’ve always found revisiting beloved things from my childhood incredibly comforting and right now is no exception. The nostalgia can be overwhelming at times. Growing up in the 90’s means I’m just old enough to remember life before screens became ubiquitous. Computers were around but they weren’t as common as they are now, and internet access was extremely limited. Cell phones were virtually nonexistent and I didn’t get my first one until toward the end of my time in high school. Now lots of kids play with and even are given cell phones, tablet computers, and near unlimited internet access before they can walk. Seeing so much change in so many ways over such a short amount of time has made my life feel a lot longer. Additionally, the increasing complexities of life have made me long for the simpler days of my youth, seemingly more than people from previous generations who didn’t see as much change over as short a time as I have.

I’ve been thinking lately that going through each day and my life in general with more of a sense of play would be real nice. That’s what I did as a kid and then eventually stopped doing in most situations. Even as a kid, I may not have enjoyed certain things at times but I got through them, moved past them, and moved onto other things as they came up. Why can’t I still do that now? I haven’t been practicing this for very long at the time of this writing so I don’t fully know how it’s going to play out, but even just coming up with the idea helped me feel a lot better. The little bit I’ve done to implement it has also made a big difference. I’ll keep up with it and let you know how it goes. I hope this helps you in some way.

All of this makes me feel like I’m regaining a sense of innocence. Innocence is a powerful, wonderful thing. There’s so much that I didn’t know and didn’t understand as a kid. So much stuff that I didn’t even know I didn’t know. I’ve learned a lot since then but I know that I’ll never know it all. Even with a lot of the stuff that I’ve learned, it’s often left me with more questions than answers and brought me into whole new areas of thought that I had never considered before. Preserving some innocence even into adulthood is a great thing. Not trying to figure it all out or know or understand or control it all. Being content for there to be some mysteries that’ll never be explained and some puzzles that’ll never be completed.

In this James Rolfe video, one of the things he said that really stuck out to me is how he misses being more naive and less critical. That to me is part of innocence; being content with what you’ve got without demanding or expecting better. Less input from the judging mind. That’s something I’m working on getting back: if not fully judgement free, then at least judging less and having more gratitude. Even if something could be better, I can still enjoy it for what it is. A meal doesn’t have to be delicious for it to taste good. An event doesn’t have to be the most fun thing ever for it to be worth the time. And my friendships don’t have to be perfect for them to be meaningful. Less criticism and more appreciation leads to a more enjoyable life. That’s a lot of what innocence is to me.

This season of my life seems to be dedicated to releasing old emotions, healing and reconciling relationships, and letting go of what’s holding me back. It’s been incredibly painful at times and I’ve often felt like I had no future. Somehow, I’ve managed to keep going despite all of that. Recent trips down memory lane have reminded me of some incredibly hard times I’ve overcome, even when it seemed like I was stuck for good. Those reminders have been essential as I walk down this new path. The same goes for the reminders of the good times that happened before, during, and after the hard times. There are plenty of good times ahead, even when it doesn’t seem like it.

All the inner child work I’ve done is helping me with all of this, particularly by reminding me to talk kindly and lovingly to myself as a gentle parent would. There’s so much cruelty in the world and I’ve spent way too much of my life being cruel to myself. If there’s one place I can find peace, it should be within myself. That’s been wonderful to remember and practice once again. Strange how it’s so beneficial yet so hard to do consistently. The more I do it, the better I feel and the more capable I am of handling obstacles both big and small. It’s always a pleasant surprise to find that being gentle with myself reveals that most obstacles that seem big are actually quite small; fear makes them appear much bigger. That’s already made me feel much better than I did when I first started writing this post a week or so ago. The past ten years have been challenging, to say the least, but they’ve gotten me to this point. I don’t know how the next ten years will look but I know they’ll be amazing because of the groundwork I’m laying for them right now. Someday I’ll reminisce about this season. I look forward to looking back.

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My Pursuit of Meaning

Meaning is a lot more powerful and more important than pleasure. All kinds of pleasure are really only temporary sensations. Even if some forms of pleasure last a long time, they all will run out eventually. Further, even when they’re happening, they may be appealing to some extent but they’re often shallow and ultimately unsatisfying, which leads to the pursuit of even more pleasure. Meaning sticks around long after the pleasure ends. It’s a much deeper, richer feeling. The feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself. Something that will outlast you. Something that’s been there before you were born and will be there after you die.

Viktor Frankl wrote a lot about this in his book Man’s Search for Meaning. He believed that the pursuit of meaning could get one through extremely difficult situations. Indeed, he used that to get himself through his time in a concentration camp during WWII. As I think about him and other people who went through extremely harrowing, depressing, and dangerous times, I often wonder what they did to keep going. What it was that got them through those situations and out the other side. Some of the most difficult times in my life (such as right now) have come when I struggled to find meaning and purpose in what I was doing. Wondering what my place was in the world.

This has been a real struggle lately as a lot of my plans have fallen through; they either haven’t worked out at all or haven’t worked out the way I’d hoped they would. I’ve had to rethink a lot of things and make some deals with myself. Ultimately, I decided I’m going to follow through with the big plans I have despite my concerns and setbacks. My plans may not work out exactly as I have in mind but they definitely won’t work out if I don’t attempt them. If they do work out, it’ll be a wonderful story to tell. Even if the plans won’t work out no matter how I approach them, at least I’ll have given it my best, I’ll have stories to tell, and I can pursue a more conventional life path as a backup.

All this having been said, I wish that things had worked out as I initially imagined they would. I wish that I had succeeded early on so that I could be a lot closer to where I want to be in life than I am now. To bridge that gap, I’m on a quest to find meaning in my life. This can be in big ways, such as fulfilling my big plans, discovering the purpose of my life, or learning my place in all of this. Or it could be through something smaller, like spending time with a good friend and having a wonderful, special, deep, and fulfilling interaction with them. However it appears, meaning is what I’m looking for at this point. I hope I’ll have good news to report on this soon. It’s been a heck of a year already and it’s just getting started. We’ll see how the rest of it plays out and what I can do to make it a good one.

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Embracing the Uncertainty

Pushing people away leads to isolation. Sometimes this is part of routine self-care, as when taking steps back from socializing to recharge. Other times, it’s done unintentionally by consistently acting in ways that prompt others to disassociate. Whatever its cause, isolation brings with it opportunities to work through deep-seated issues that are difficult or impossible to resolve when surrounded by other people.

Often referred to as the dark night of the soul, these are times when everything seems to be falling apart. They’re always accompanied by the sense that “This isn’t working for me anymore”. Though these occasions can be difficult, they allow time to rest, examine oneself, and see what needs to be changed. If the underlying issues can be identified and resolved, then they, along with the problems they create, will cease to exist and a great deal of peace will take their place.

I’ve had several dark nights of the soul over the past few years; they seem to come around every few years for me. I’m going through one now that involves getting away from people pleasing and finding who I am beyond what I can do for other people. This doesn’t mean I’m now living with no regard for others. It means that I’m finding how to live in healthy ways with both myself and other people, rather than totally sacrificing myself in the hopes of making someone else feel slightly better. One major change I’ve made along these lines is to avoid taking responsibility for someone else’s journey. Unfortunately, even if they know the causes of their struggles, they may not do what it takes to avoid repeating those vicious cycles. Not everyone is going to get it and I’m learning to let them decide for themselves.

I feel like I’ve been making up for lost time this year, especially when it comes to rest, leisure, visiting with my friends, and spending time with my pup. Whenever I think that I should be “doing more”, I remind myself that I can’t pour from an empty cup. Aside from taking better care of myself and working through deep-seated issues, I’m doing what I can to build my future. There’s a lot of uncertainty right now about how that’ll look and how I’ll get there. I’m working on embracing that uncertainty rather than stressing over it. When I look back on this time in six months, a year, and several years from now, I hope it’ll be to recognize how crucial it was to my success even though I couldn’t fully see it at the time. That’s what I keep telling myself as I lay the foundations today for a better tomorrow.

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Watching Myself Change

Watching myself change brings up a lot of mixed emotions. Overall, it’s been a relief to feel increasingly deeper peace, let go of most of my anxiety, and learn more about who I am. Sometimes, though, it’s shocking to consider some of the changes. This is especially the case with things I once believed that I no longer do as well as things I now believe that I never thought I would. Lots of things seemed so certain to me until they didn’t. That’s part of the growing process; finding more pieces of the puzzle brings increasing nuance and understanding.

Sometimes I wonder what people who know me or used to know me think about these changes, if they’re even aware of them. I haven’t worried much about this since I decided that I’ve gotta keep growing and improving even if someone dislikes the direction I’ve gone. Giving myself that permission was incredibly freeing. Talking about my journey helps me find people with similar ideas and journeys. It’s also shown me that some people I’ve known for most of my life and knew me when I was quite different are surprisingly ok with the way my life has gone. This may be because I feel increasingly more comfortable being myself as I go. Being myself makes people feel comfortable to be themselves around me and vice versa.

Several people I know have told me that I’ve put into words something they’ve experienced but haven’t been able to describe. That always feels awesome to hear and it’s one reason I keep sharing my ideas through writing. On that note, I’m glad I started and maintained this blog. It’s served as a record of my ever-changing life philosophy. That philosophy will keep changing and there’ll be inconsistencies, and that’s fine. I don’t know if it’s possible for my ideas to be 100% consistent. There are certainly inconsistencies between what I once believed and what I now believe; that’ll also be the case between what I believe now and what I believe later in life, whatever that ends up being. I look forward to continuing this journey and seeing where it takes me.

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Letting Moments Breathe

May be an image of nature, twilight, ocean and sky
Beautiful sunset over the St. Johns River

It’s so important to give space for moments to breathe, whether those moments are serious or lighthearted. So many people will watch a video or a listen to a song and talk through the whole thing instead of paying attention to it. As a result, they miss out on the good parts unless someone rewinds it so they can actually be present for the experience. Even if they’re quiet throughout, they’ll often start speaking as soon as it’s over instead of taking a few intentional breaths while they gather their thoughts. When I’m listening to music and a song comes to an end, rather than resume my normal activities right away, I like to give at least a few moments for the song to fully fade out and the world around me to fully fade back in.

There’s a sacredness and magic to doing that. It’s a way to honor what I just experienced and let it fully sink in before moving on. Doing this with people close to me in social situations makes those moments even more beautiful. Instead of making a silence awkward, we soak in it and just be in each other’s presence. It doesn’t get much better than that. If there’s something to say, that’s fine, but no need to add words just for the sake of having words instead of letting the silence be. There’s a lot you can pick up on by being quiet and seeing how each moment feels and breathes rather than thinking or talking so much about it.

Letting moments breathe also makes my hobbies more enjoyable. Whenever I accomplish something that I’ve been working at for a long time or I’m doing something that always requires several attempts before I get it, I like to pause and celebrate afterward, even if that involves simply smiling and sighing with relief. That’s a lot nicer than immediately moving on to the next thing. Also, if I’m swing dancing and there’s a pause in a song or another kind of opportunity to do something a little different and unexpected, taking advantage of it is always delightful for both me and my dance partner.

I’d much rather sit quietly while enjoying a sunset (as I did with a friend earlier this year) than talk at length about how it looks, how it makes me feel, etc. The silent experience is so much more powerful and moving than narrating it. This has been especially important for me lately. For some reason, I’ve had little interest in socializing with even my close friends and I’ve found it extremely difficult to converse in person. It’s easier online but still more difficult than usual. In person, it takes a huge amount of effort so it tires me out easily, unless I’m having silly/lighthearted conversations. Even those I can only handle for so long before I want to fall asleep. Fortunately, I’ve been feeling significantly better after making some small but important changes, so my sociability is steadily climbing once again. That lets me find the right words during the talking moments and allow space to breathe during the quiet moments.

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Recent Feelings and Realizations

Whenever I get into a funk, I explore it to see what it’s telling me. The one I’ve been in lately has an important message about my role in life, especially for how I relate to others. Here’s an exploration of what I mean and also a way to get it off my chest so I can better move through it.

A lot of people, especially people close to me, have told me that I’m smart, wise, and have good ideas. Yet almost nobody ever takes the advice I offer, even when they ask me for advice. In some cases, they even go so far as to tear down my ideas. Needless to say, this creates a lot of confusion in me. How can they praise my ideas one moment and then decry them the next? If they really think so highly of me, why don’t they listen to me?

I often think about how some of the people I admire the most, such as Eckhart Tolle and David Hawkins, would draw huge crowds to their events. Crowds full of people whose lives had been changed by those teachers and were looking for more guidance. Why can’t I draw those crowds? Even though I haven’t been putting my ideas out there for long, I’d think I’ve done enough thus far to get at least a small crowd for the personal growth events I host.

This has impacted my interactions as of late. Although I prefer deep conversations to small talk, right now I most prefer silence. It’s a lot more meaningful and less stressful for me. No words, just being with each other and maybe doing something together if we’re sharing an activity. I’ve had an incredibly hard time having interesting conversations even with friends lately so staying quiet and enjoying the moment is what I prefer for the time being.

Is this an ego thing? Probably. I do have a savior complex and seek to help almost everyone I’m close to, even if they’re not interested in my help. I think this season is meant to help me surrender this so I can move forward without the pain and bitterness that comes with it. That would explain why things have slowed down a lot for me, especially my social gatherings. Fewer things to do gives me plenty of space to let go of what’s holding me back.

Since I can’t find a relevant quote, I’ll paraphrase it here: Being a hero requires someone else to be in trouble. That always gives me pause when I remember it. Ultimately, I’d rather people be well off and not be in a position to need help in the first place. I haven’t thought a whole lot about what I’d do if that’s how the world worked but I realized I have already been acting that way. I’ve been pursuing activities and people I find meaningful without stressing out or attempting to save everyone. That feels great and I plan to keep doing that.

This doesn’t mean I’ve given up all my big goals. I’m simply pursuing them in a different way. In addition to this blog, I’m still working on my communication book and I have a few other books in mind to write someday. Plus I’ll continue having deep conversations with people who are interested in these ideas and I’ll use my business to help those who come to me. My plan is to keep sharing what works for me and let everyone decide what to do for themselves. What works for me may not work for them; even if it does work for them, I can’t make them do it, so why feel upset if they do something different?

It’s easy to talk about doing this. Following through with it is a horse of a different color. I’ve attempted to do this before and didn’t succeed for more than a little while. Given how 2021 turned out for me, the lessons I learned, and all of these recent realizations, I think I now have a much better shot at sticking to this for the long haul. Taking this approach has already given me much more peace than I’ve felt in a long time so it seems I’m on the right track. If so, then this could be the biggest shift of my life and open the door to everything I’ve been building up to for years. I’ll let you know how it goes later this year.

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Building up and Tearing Down

Anyone can criticize bad ideas and most people do so. Some people do this to the point that they’ll tear down anyone else’s ideas, even if they’re good. A lot of these people never put up anything themselves, though, since it’s easier to tear down than it is to build. They have no ideas for making things better and they rarely, if ever, say that anyone else’s ideas have any merit. Often, they’ll only comment to show their disagreement, never to contribute meaningfully. These kinds of people can be extremely draining and demotivating.

In contrast, there are people who breathe life into anything and everything they touch. They’re quick to praise others for their good ideas. If they see problems with an idea, they talk first about what they like to show that there’s something worth using there. They can even come up with ways to make bad ideas good and good ideas great. Those people are incredibly motivating and energizing.

Opposing things will only take you so far. It’s not enough to tear down bad things that don’t work; there have to be good things that work well to take their place. That’s why I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting to see what makes my life better. Not just by eliminating things that don’t work but also by finding things that do work. Good times for me to wake up and go to sleep, giving myself the rest and self-care I need to feel better, how to get through my day effectively, and so on. That’s also why I spend a lot of time thinking about what positive changes could be made in the world rather than solely what things could be removed. I’m looking to add value as much as I take away negativity. That is the other side of the coin that’s necessary for major improvements, whether in oneself or in the world in general.

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