My Goals for 2025

It’s time to lay out my goals for next year. Just like I’ve done for the last few years, I’m keeping things simple again. That was essential this year, given how crazy 2024 turned out to be. I hope that 2025 will be much better. Still, I’ve got just a few goals I’d like to accomplish next year. If I get close with any of these, my life will improve tremendously; I’d like to see what will happen if I knock them all out of the park. Without further ado, here are my goals for 2025.

  1. Have more important conversations. Though these are often difficult, I dislike calling them “difficult conversations.” That often sets them up for failure or prevents them from happening altogether. Despite all the communication skills I’ve learned and all the emotional pain I’ve released that’s made those skills easier to use, I still struggle to voice my concerns, needs, and requests with those close to me. Although I believe in disconnecting from abusive humans, I don’t want disconnection to be my go-to response whenever things get uncomfortable with humans who aren’t abusive. I fear that that is what is happening. This is still uncomfortable for me to do, so I believe it will be the hardest of my goals for next year. However, it’s worth dealing with the temporary discomfort to prevent the permanent loss of my important relationships. I plan to face a lot of that discomfort next year.
  2. Thrive financially. This year, I survived financially. Next year, I want to thrive. No more working almost every day only to have the small amount of money I make disappear much faster than it comes in. No more skating the line between staying afloat and sinking. And no more having to be absurdly strategic with how I handle my finances week to week. I want to get back to where my financial situation was years ago, when I could easily go on several multiday trips a year outside of work, handle unexpected expenses without issue, and consistently save money by making much more than I spent every month while still regularly enjoying things that cost money (eating out frequently, impulse purchases, group activities at the movie theater or bowling alley, and so on). If 2025 picks up where 2024 looks as if it will leave off, then I’ll be able to do all that and more. I feel excited for it.
  3. Heal other pain. Over the last two years, I’ve been able to heal nearly all the pain around my dog Sawyer’s death. That’s remarkable to me as for over a year, I was in so much pain that I thought I would never feel any better. Since I feel much better now in that area, I want to go deeper into other painful areas, especially the original wounds that have been with me since I was a little kid. It was a pleasant surprise to find that healing the pain of Sawyer’s death also healed some other pain. Additionally, it showed me that even pain that seems unending can still be healed with enough attention over time. Now that the worst pain I’ve ever felt is mostly gone, I look forward to seeing what a year of focusing on older, deeper pain will do.
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