Move at Your Own Pace

I do a lot of things in my daily routines. Some things are just for fun while others keep me in a good place and allow me to continue making progress toward where I want to be in life. Most of the time, I can get through each task without issue. Sometimes, however, it’s much more of a struggle. On those days, I try to show myself some compassion and go at whatever pace feels right to me. This usually involves moving at a slower, more leisurely pace as I go; sometimes I even leave a few tasks in an unfinished state and complete them the next day.

I did a lot of this yesterday. Since I had the day off, I decided to disable my alarms and sleep in. I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately so letting my body decide when to wake up felt great. I also decided to take it easy at the gym. Skipping workouts entirely is far too risky for me since I can easily get into the habit of not working out for a month or more, so I just went to the gym and warmed up with light weights. That way I gave my body a break while still doing something to keep me in the habit of working out regularly. And I got most of this blog post finished last night before going to bed and deciding to complete it the morning.

This approach allows me to complete most of my regular tasks and keep the ball rolling on the stuff that’s gotten me to this point while still giving me plenty of time to rest. Giving myself permission to slow down as needed also takes care of whatever issues I’m facing in my life situation. For example, in a recent post, I mentioned how I been feeling antisocial as of late. For whatever reason, that feeling has passed and I feel much more like my usual self. I think it’s because I gave myself enough alone time to recharge and sort out some things within myself before returning to my usual circles. As a result, I’ve had a much easier time connecting with people in meaningful ways this week. It’s taken me a long time to recognize when I need to slow down and actually do it but I’m glad I made it part of my life. It’s done me a lot of good and I hope it does the same for you if you decide to try it in your life as well.

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