Hard Times, Good Communication

I once heard Jocko Willink say that on nights before he records his podcast, he tries to get less sleep than he usually does. This keeps his emotions closer to the surface and helps him during the recording. I’ve noticed something similar in myself. I seem to be more genuine when I’m sufficiently tired or stressed. I don’t try to act differently than how I feel or pretend that I’m ok if I’m really not. Maybe I just don’t have the energy to fake it or care how I come across when I feel like that.

Additionally, I have an easier time talking to people when I’m feeling off. I’m less concerned about how they’ll react, so I feel more free to say what I’m thinking. This seems to work well overall; contrary to my expectations, most people appear to be fine with me being more straightforward and assertive. I think this is because I still have some filters in place, I’m not intending to be rude or hurtful, and, as I’m finding out, people seem to appreciate direct, open communication.

These have all been fascinating revelations about myself as well as other people. I’m still trying to figure out what to do with all of this stuff. I don’t want to feel bad all the time just so I have an easier time communicating and being genuine. Since I now know that I can be straightforward without running into trouble as long as I remain mindful while I speak and maintain good intentions, I think I can work on making this the norm for me in every season of life. As with many other things, getting out of my head appears to be the answer. Now it’s just a matter of practicing this regularly, and I’m going to do my best to make it happen.

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