Guided Meditation and Releasing Negative Energy

I have a hard time letting things go and tend to carry around thoughts and feelings long after the events that caused them. Although I’ve gotten better at letting go over time, I still have problems with it now and then. Something that’s helped me a lot with this is a guided healing meditation that a friend sent me.

The meditation starts off with deep breathing to put me into a relaxed state. After a few minutes of that, it instructs me to call in Archangel Michael and imagine what he looks like. The remainder of the meditation is then spent thinking about uncomfortable situations, guilt or regret over past actions, ill will toward others, negative energy, etc, and releasing them to the angels. This is a deeply relaxing thing to do and always leaves me feeling much lighter and freer after I’ve finished it. Since I usually do it on Wednesday nights right before bed, I think it also helps me sleep better on those nights as well.

Every time I’ve done that meditation, I’ve felt much better both on Wednesdays as well as for the next few days. I didn’t realize how much negative energy I was carrying until I started doing this. That negative energy affected my friendships, my job performance, and my overall quality of life. Releasing a bit of it each day via my normal self-improvement work and a lot of it each Wednesday through this healing meditation has done wonders for me. I think that’s what made the past few days so amazing for me. Despite having a headache for one of them, I felt much more comfortable during both days when I was interacting with other people than usual: I spoke easily and fluidly, didn’t feel shy or nervous around anyone, and, for the most part, didn’t let anything get to me. I can’t think of any other recent event in my life that could have taken away my anxiety and smoothed out my interactions with others, so I think this is what did it. If you’ve never tried a guided meditation, I’d highly recommend it. And if you do, I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.

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