Getting the Most out of Your Float

I’ve floated almost 60 times as of this writing and in the process I’ve learned a lot about how to maximize the experience for myself. Floating affects everyone differently and no two of my floats have been exactly the same, so I hesitate to say that I’ve found the perfect formula for everyone. However, I do think there are some actions that will increase any given person’s chances of having an enjoyable experience. So without further ado, here are my recommendations for getting the most out of your float.

  1. Book your float when you have a day off and have almost no other plans. This will allow you to relax afterward and fully process and enjoy the experience without having to rush off right away. If you can, have your first float at night so you can go home and go to bed for some amazing sleep.
  2. Eat decent meal and drink a decent amount of water a few hours before your float. While you’re in the pod, you should feel comfortable rather than hungry and dehydrated or stuffed and over-hydrated.
  3. Avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, and sugar a few hours before and after your float. Those can negatively affect your experience while floating and take you out of the post-float glow after your float.
  4. Arrive early to make things easier on yourself and the float center employees. If it’s your first float or your first float at this particular location, listen attentively during the orientation so you know what to do and how the process works. Ask any relevant questions that you have before you start your float.
  5. Use the restroom before you float so you feel more comfortable in the pod and can stay in until the session is over.
  6. If your pod has an adjustable lid and fills up before you get in, then keep the lid shut while the pod is filling so it gets warmer inside. The water should be close to body temperature, so it’s not like getting into a hot tub or a hot bath.
  7. Shower before you get in the pod. Start with a warm shower and slowly turn the temperature down as cold as you can stand it. That will make the water in the pod feel even warmer in comparison.
  8. Put in your ear plugs before showering so they seal better and are less likely to fall out of your ears while you’re floating. If they’re the foam kind, rolling them between your fingers and holding them in your ear until they fully expand also helps.
  9. Float nude so you avoid getting distracted by clothes or a bathing suit.
  10. Get in before the pod finishes filling, shut the lid, and keep it shut the whole time to maximize your experience and keep it warm. If you get too warm in there, open the lid a few inches to vent some of the heat until you’re comfortable again. Better to start too warm and cool down than to start too cool and try to warm up.
  11. Go in without expectations. Accept whatever happens in there, whether you fall asleep, have a meditative experience, get some creative ideas, work through difficult emotions, get reminders of things you can do better in life, etc. The float might not give you what you want but it will give you what you need, so embrace whatever it gives you.
  12. Focus on your breath and breathe more slowly on the exhale than on the inhale to calm your body. If you start feeling anxious, remind yourself that you’re ok and try to watch your thoughts and feelings without getting stuck in them. Breathing slowly through your nose and from your diaphragm will help you with this.
  13. Try out several positions until you find a comfortable one to float in. Change positions as needed to relieve pain, restlessness, or discomfort. Otherwise, try to keep still and let your body rest by relaxing all your muscles and allowing the water to fully support you.
  14. It may take you a while to fully get into the experience, especially if it’s your first float. After 20-30 minutes, you’ll probably be in the “float zone” and start seeing how incredible it can be.
  15. Shower afterward to rinse off all the salt, get dressed, and, if you can, take some time to stay at the float center and bask in the post-float glow before returning to your normal life.
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