Get Rid of the Boxes

I used to label people and put them into boxes. Then I’d immediately accept or dismiss them based on whether or not I considered myself to be under the same label or in the same box as them. Although I still sometimes fall into that trap, I’ve mostly rid myself of that tendency at this point. Now it’s much easier for me to avoid saying “He’s this, she’s that, I’m this, and they’re that”, as if a label I apply to someone (or one they apply to themselves) defines everything about them. I’ve learned from many different experiences that humans are far too complex and deep for that.

Assuming that I know how someone else thinks based on a label that I’ve put on them doesn’t do either of us any favors. All it does is prevent me from getting to know them while creating many opportunities for strife to develop between us. When I refrain from labeling someone, it gives me an opportunity to get to know them and promotes peace in each of our interactions. This applies to myself as well. Putting myself in a box, labeling myself, or forming an identity based on something outside of myself does nothing but cause me problems. Avoiding all of that allows me to be at peace with myself and focus on who I am instead of what or how I think.

Try this for yourself if you want to see how it works. Get rid of all the boxes, labels, identities, and everything else that limits your perception of everyone (including yourself) and prevents communication rather than facilitating it. Instead of making assumptions about someone else, ask them what they think and why, and listen to them with the intent to understand. You don’t have to agree with them, just try to see why they see things the way they do. And when you talk about how you see things, forget the bumper sticker slogans, buzzwords, catchphrases, and all the other overly-simplistic stuff that stifles communication and prevents understanding. Use as many words as necessary to cover what you think and why you think that way. The more clearly you describe your ideas, the better your chances of making a meaningful connection with the people around you. If you decide to try this, please let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear your results.

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