Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself for hoping things would change when you knew they wouldn’t

Forgive yourself for giving dozens of chances to the people who didn’t deserve even a second chance from you

Forgive yourself for all the times you stayed when you knew you should go

Forgive yourself for all the times you said “Yes” when you truly wanted to say “No”

Forgive yourself for holding on when you should have let go

Forgive yourself for emptying yourself for people who never filled you up

Forgive yourself for giving way more than you received

Forgive yourself for not knowing any better; forgive yourself for not doing any better even when you did know

Forgive yourself for all the times you held your tongue after bringing up your pain and they made it all about them instead

Forgive yourself for all the abuse you accepted in silence while you gave out nothing but kindness

Forgive yourself for all the times you forgot that “Treat others as you want to be treated” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” required you to love yourself first and to not accept way less than you’re willing to give

Forgive yourself for staying silent to avoid trouble when your needs weren’t being met

Forgive yourself for neglecting your inner child

Forgive yourself for all the times you acted out of fear rather than strength

Forgive yourself for all the guilt you felt about potentially hurting the feelings of someone who had no concern for yours

Forgive yourself for all the times you let fear or desire keep you in a place you knew was wrong for you

Forgive yourself for all the red flags you didn’t notice because red flags look white when you’re looking at someone through rose-colored glasses

Forgive yourself for yourself for not establishing and maintaining boundaries; forgive yourself for feeling guilty when you established and enforced a boundary

Forgive yourself for not heeding the warnings of those close to you and finding out the hard way instead

Forgive yourself for letting people treat you in ways you’d never dare treat them

Forgive yourself for having high hopes for low quality people

Forgive yourself for putting the wants of others above your own needs; forgive yourself for keeping in your life the people who gladly accepted that deal

Forgive yourself for being a much better friend to them than they ever were to you

Forgive yourself for all the fights, arguments, and efforts to get them to understand you when deep down you knew they never would

Forgive yourself for all the times you were so thirsty for love and appreciation that you were willing to drink poison

Forgive yourself for all the times you took somebody at their word when their actions didn’t match

Forgive yourself for all the times you believed someone who said “I love you” as soon as they finished abusing you

Forgive yourself for all the times you took the knife out of your back and handed it right back to the person who just stabbed you with it

Forgive yourself for all the excuses you made why somebody would treat you that way; forgive yourself for allowing that to be ok with you at the time

Forgive yourself for all the times you subjected yourself to situations that you wouldn’t allow a family member or friend to endure for even a moment

Forgive yourself for being more concerned about how somebody thought of you than about how you felt around them

Forgive yourself for putting someone else’s expectations above your own needs

Forgive yourself for all the times fear of loneliness kept you around somebody who made you feel more lonely than you ever felt by yourself

Forgive yourself for all the times you tried to talk with somebody who was never interested in listening

Forgive yourself for all the times you were hurt and stuck around because it “could be worse” or they “might change”

Forgive yourself for all the times you didn’t forgive yourself

Forgive yourself so that you can heal

Forgive yourself and those past mistakes so that they stay in the past rather than following you into the future

Forgive yourself so that you won’t settle anymore

Forgive yourself so you don’t get dragged down to their level

Forgive yourself so you can stop playing their games, which they’ll always win and you never will

Forgive yourself so you can learn the lessons and know how to protect yourself when you see those kinds of people again

Forgive yourself so that you won’t love someone else way more than you love yourself

Forgive yourself so that when someone shows you what you mean to them, you’ll believe them

Forgive yourself so that you can learn how to fill yourself up and seek good people instead of seeking attention from someone who is wrong for you

Forgive yourself so that you can experience from yourself the love that you were always craving but never received from them

Forgive yourself so you can have peace within instead of looking for it from someone who’ll never give it to you

Forgive yourself so that what were once stumbling blocks become stepping stones to peace and love

Forgive yourself so that when something truly good comes along for you, you can welcome it wholeheartedly because you know you deserve it

Forgive yourself for all the times you lost yourself so that you can finally find yourself

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