Detachment and Stress

Sometimes I find it easier to detach from unwanted emotions when I’m in a bad mood. When everything has been going smoothly for me, I still sometimes start expecting things to start going downhill, which can make it difficult to enjoy the nice things in life. After a rough day or a few rough days, I start getting desensitized to the thought of my situation getting worse. In that state of mind, I usually think “This might turn out badly; I’ll cross that bridge if I come to it” and then forget about it until much later. It feels like I’ve used so much energy stressing over whatever’s already happened that I don’t have enough left to worry about what might happen. Oddly, that actually helps me avoid getting more stressed out once I’ve hit my limit, although the path leading up to that limit is still difficult and unpleasant. It’d be nice if I could figure out how to consistently detach in unpleasant situations without first going through a ton of stress.

I also typically remember to be present, practice breath work, and make use of other life hacks when I’m stressed. I can easily forget to use them when I’m feeling good and going through an easy season but I always remember to use them in difficult times. Although I’d probably be better off if I used them regularly and made them into habits, I’m glad that I use them when I need them the most.

This is one of those rare posts in which I don’t have any real take-home point or closing lesson. These are just a few things I’ve noticed in myself as of late and thought that someone else might resonate with them. Maybe my next post will be more like my usual ones with a strong point. Guess we’ll find out. Until then, I hope you’re doing well, I’m glad that I’m doing better than I was earlier this week, and I will see you next time.

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