Building up and Tearing Down

Anyone can criticize bad ideas and most people do so. Some people do this to the point that they’ll tear down anyone else’s ideas, even if they’re good. A lot of these people never put up anything themselves, though, since it’s easier to tear down than it is to build. They have no ideas for making things better and they rarely, if ever, say that anyone else’s ideas have any merit. Often, they’ll only comment to show their disagreement, never to contribute meaningfully. These kinds of people can be extremely draining and demotivating.

In contrast, there are people who breathe life into anything and everything they touch. They’re quick to praise others for their good ideas. If they see problems with an idea, they talk first about what they like to show that there’s something worth using there. They can even come up with ways to make bad ideas good and good ideas great. Those people are incredibly motivating and energizing.

Opposing things will only take you so far. It’s not enough to tear down bad things that don’t work; there have to be good things that work well to take their place. That’s why I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting to see what makes my life better. Not just by eliminating things that don’t work but also by finding things that do work. Good times for me to wake up and go to sleep, giving myself the rest and self-care I need to feel better, how to get through my day effectively, and so on. That’s also why I spend a lot of time thinking about what positive changes could be made in the world rather than solely what things could be removed. I’m looking to add value as much as I take away negativity. That is the other side of the coin that’s necessary for major improvements, whether in oneself or in the world in general.

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