Bold City Circuit House Show

On Saturday night, I went to a show hosted by Bold City Circuit in Jacksonville, Florida. Three musicians performed in someone’s living room and we all got to share an incredibly close, intimate experience. I figured that the evening would be enjoyable but I had no idea how wholesome and wonderful it would be until it began.

The musicians that performed were Liam Bauman, Taylor Raynor, and Leon Majcen. Throughout the night, they took turns performing both separately and together. Their talent, passion, and love for people and music shone brightly whenever they played or sang. Because we were in a living room, there was no need for microphones or massive sound systems. The simple setting created a very intimate atmosphere and fostered a deep feeling of connection that I’ve rarely experienced this strongly in a group setting. I felt compassion for and a connection to everyone in the room and saw all of them as beautiful, even the people I hadn’t met or seen before that night.

Before the show started, one of the hosts encouraged us to be present throughout the night, and that’s exactly what I did. I found it very easy to stay in the moment, get lost in the music, and appreciate everyone around me. Time lost all relevance and I enjoyed every peaceful moment. I went hours without checking the time, looking at my phone, or thinking about what I’d do later on. Even during the breaks, I still felt very present while socializing and soaking in the experience without caring about social media, the time, or anything outside of that house.

I didn’t expect all of this to happen. This was the first show of its kind for me, so I didn’t know how it would go. I thought it would just be a chance to hang out and listen to some nice music. I had no idea that I’d love it so much and find it so fulfilling. This was easily the best Saturday night I’ve had in a long time. Now that I’ve had this wonderful experience, I hope to go to many more living room shows. I highly recommend you do the same if you get the chance and, if you’re in or close to Jacksonville, check out Bold City Circuit. You’ll be glad you did.

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