Author Archives: admin

Oh, That Explains It

I had a recent realization about positive and negative emotions. Long before I started doing any real emotional work, I could still feel happiness, excitement, joy, and peace. I often felt all of those emotions when I went out swing … Continue reading

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Review of The Art of Racing in the Rain

Last week I finished reading The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. It’s one of the best books that I’ve read this year and it gave me many conflicting emotions as I went through it. The book … Continue reading

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Recent Musings

Here are some things that have been on my mind lately. I hope this shows what it can be like to have so many conflicting, contradictory ideas (most of which I’ve picked up from sources other than myself) in my … Continue reading

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Take It to the Limit

For most of my life, I’ve taken things as far as I can. It’s taken me a long time to find balance with anything and (almost) everything I do. While it can be frustrating at times, taking things to the … Continue reading

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Who Are You?

Who are you? Not the role you play at your job, in your family, or in your community. Not the political, religious, or philosophical beliefs you hold. Not your nationality or ethnicity. Not what you enjoy doing in your free … Continue reading

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The Individual and the Group

There’s a big debate over the individual and the group. Whole philosophies have been developed in an attempt to explain why one is more important than the other. It wasn’t until earlier this year that a realization gave me a … Continue reading

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Encouragement and Celebration

When little kids attempt something, nearby adults often give them a great deal of encouragement and will celebrate even small accomplishments with them. As the kids age, that positive support tends to decrease despite the skill level increasing. That can … Continue reading

Posted in Communication, Getting Along with Each Other, Humanitarian Things, Life Hacks, Personal Freedom, Self-Improvement | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Encouragement and Celebration

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

My main focus in life is helping people heal from emotional wounds. I don’t see much talk about this outside of a handful of discussions I have fairly regularly with a few people close to me. Fortunately it seems to … Continue reading

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Review of Homecoming

Homecoming is an incredibly profound book by John Bradshaw. It was a great introduction for me to inner child work. I’m still no expert on it but now that I’ve finished working through Homecoming, I see how powerful and healing … Continue reading

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Why My Approach Works for Me

Whenever I work on myself, I don’t reframe things in my mind in an attempt to heal from them. That doesn’t work for me. No matter how much I’ve told myself that the situation isn’t that bad, that I will … Continue reading

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