An Important Reminder

Me: “Sawyer?”

Sawyer: “Yeah?”

Me: “I don’t understand humans. So much hostility, fighting, hatred, and cruelty. Dogs might have an occasional spat but nothing like what goes on between so many humans. Why don’t they get it? Why are humans so cruel to each other while you dogs are so loving?”

Sawyer: “We don’t have time to be cruel. Humans typically get 70-80 years of life. That’s a lot of time to wander around, get lost, and forget the most important things. We dogs only get 10-20 years, give or take. We’re more aware of death so we focus on living our best lives while we can. No time for drama, especially not cultivating, sharing, and celebrating it.”

Me: “If my family history is any indication, I’ve probably got another 50 years at least to live. How do I remember what’s important and keep from being cruel over that much time?”

Sawyer: “Remember me, along with all the other furry friends and humans you’ve loved and lost. Time is precious and it’s not worth wasting on drama. You never know how much time you have with special people, whether animal or human. Don’t waste the time you do have by being mean. Make your time count. Be loving.”

Me: “I will. I wish humans would learn from dogs.”

Sawyer: “Some already have. Others are learning right now and still others might learn someday. Whatever anybody else does, you keep learning and loving. And make sure to practice all those lessons I taught you.”

Me: “I’m doing my best. Some days are harder than others.”

Sawyer: “As long as you’re doing your best each day, that’s the secret. Even if your best today is different than your best tomorrow.”

Me: “Thanks, this helped a lot. I love you Sawyer.”

Sawyer: “I love you Ian.”

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