Replicating the Benefits of Floating

At the time of this writing, I’ve floated for seven days in a row and hope to make it to day eight before taking a break. These daily floats have made me feel wonderful and allowed me to easily handle whatever life throws me; they’ve given me an attitude of “I’ll be ok” no matter what happens. I feel so much better than I usually do that I’m concerned about losing this feeling and its positive effects when I go back to floating once or twice a week. The question I’ve had in the back of my head ever since I started thinking about this is how can I stay in this good place without floating every day?

I think I now have an answer to that question. During one of my floats last week, I started thinking about why floating makes me feel so good and how I might be able to reproduce some of its affects in my daily life. One thing that’s been consistent throughout all of my floats has been the quiet time to myself that they’ve given me. Although I may not be able to replicate this to the same extent outside of a float, quiet time away from everyone else is something I can easily arrange for myself. I already meditate a few times a day, so it would be no problem for me to take some extra time to do that in a calm, quiet place. That would also get me away from social media, which is another benefit I get from floating. Some of the stuff on my newsfeed is incredibly negative but even the stuff that’s positive or neutral can still be draining if I’m looking at it constantly. I feel better after taking a break from it for a while so that could be another good way to get a benefit from floating without getting in the pod. That’s all I’ve got for now but I’m sure I’ll think of more things to do as I go.

The thought occurred to me that I may be getting addicted to floating since I’m concerned about how I’ll feel when I take some time away from it. Looking at it that way motivated me even more to figure out how to feel good and navigate life without relying on floating. I want everything I use, whether it’s floating, meditation, breath work, or any other life hacks, to be my tools rather than my master; those things should all enhance my life, not control it. I’m feeling pretty good now about this plan and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens when I step back from floating every day and try something else.

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