Floating to Different Frequencies: My Experiences

Earlier this week, I finished an amazing experiment. I found a list of frequencies to try during meditation and decided to see what would happen if I listened to them while floating. All of them relaxed me, I got some great insights from nearly every one of them, some were extremely powerful, and others were much more mild in their effects. Here are some highlights from the notes I made after each of those floats.

174 hz: I drifted in and out of sleep toward the end of this float, which felt like several hours even though it was just one. The frequency was relaxing and kept me focused on positive stuff the whole time. That’s about all I remember from this float.

285 hz: This frequency was super relaxing. Like the previous one, I drifted in and out of sleep a few times. Something I’ve noticed lately in many of my floats is that I tend to get restless and want to move around after a while whereas I normally feel comfortable staying still the whole time. In this float, I stayed still early on and got restless toward the end. Still, I felt good overall in the pod and I felt great afterward.

396 hz: I stayed awake during this float, though I didn’t try to sleep or stay awake in any of them; I just went in without expectations and embraced whatever happened. Apart from stretching out a bit toward the end, I was comfortable to stay still most of the time. I found it easy to work through things that I struggle with without feeling angry, sad, or any other negative emotions that normally accompany this process.

417 hz: I drifted in and out of sleep and still had some good insights. These include the fact that everyone is in their head and approaches life from their own level of understanding, it’s best to have compassion and understanding for everyone, and that we all live in an incredibly beautiful world. I also desired peace with everyone during that frequency and found it easy to shrug off things that would normally get to me. Afterward, I felt super relaxed and “cleansed”, as if I had worked through a lot of emotional gunk. Lastly, and I don’t know what this was about, but I saw colored lights a few times when I tuned into the frequency even though there were no lights on in the pod for most of my float. Whatever it means, it was cool and made this one a little extra memorable.

432 hz: This was by far the best frequency I tried and gave me one of my best floats ever. It was incredibly similar to my first float in that time melted away, I lost track of myself and my life outside the pod, and felt one with everything in the universe. I felt wonderful almost the whole time, stayed awake from beginning to end, felt like I was floating in love, and was happy and laughing when I got out afterward. This frequency also gave me more insights than any other one I tried. The ones I remember included the understanding that I’ll be fine no matter what happens to me in life or in death, our lives continue even after our bodies die, I can think back to how I felt during this float (or any of my other excellent floats) to feel better if I get stressed, I’m better off making and holding space for insights and answers instead of trying to force them, the float pod is the safest place in the world because I can feel fine regardless of what I think about in there, and floating has the potential to enlighten the world if enough people do it regularly. I look forward to floating to this frequency many more times and seeing what it does for me each time.

528 hz: Another frequency that gave me a lot of good insights and made me feel incredibly comfortable. I realized how important it is to have empathy for other people, that I can work through things in the pod as I feel drawn to address them, that everyone should float but I can hold space for those who can’t or won’t, acknowledge resistance and then work around it, use my gifts to heal people who are hurting, I am enough, and feel the fear and do it anyway. As I received all this good stuff, it was easy for me to stay still and relax, which made this a very nice frequency to use in a float.

639 hz: I think I fell asleep a time or two to this frequency. Unlike some of the others, I stretched and moved a lot. The only insight I remember getting was that inner transformation is better than superficial external changes. Also, I saw white bright lights a few times in total darkness; I may have been dreaming when this happened, though it was hard to tell in this float.

741 hz: Sometimes my legs feel super restless when I float, although they felt fine in this one. As I stretched a bit, I also worked through a difficult situation in my head, reminded myself that I’ll be ok, remembered the importance of surrender and loving-kindness, and dedicated myself to focus on solving problems rather than attacking other people. The biggest insight I got out of this float had to do with personal responsibility for how I’m feeling: if I’m not responsible for anyone else’s mood, is anyone else responsible for mine? Ultimately, I get to decide how to respond to whatever happens to me, so I’m going to work on remembering that and do my best to avoid giving anyone else the power to control how I feel.

852 hz: The water felt cooler than usual in this float but I still enjoyed it. This was the first float in a while in which I ate breakfast before going in, which may have contributed to the upset stomach I experienced several times. Despite feeling uneasy some of the time due to my stomach and some stress from thinking about an upcoming event, nothing bad ended up happening in there. I repeated some calming affirmations, reminded myself to surrender and stay in the present moment, and detach and observe my behavior from outside myself. This was a good reminder to me that even floats that are far from ideal can still be relaxing and insightful if I approach them correctly.

963 hz: This frequency felt like a nice way to end the experiment. After working through a lot of difficult stuff and receiving so many insights from the other floats, it was refreshing to just have a chance to relax. My mind wandered through many different things without getting stuck on any one thing in particular. I did get some insights and reminders, however, such as I’ll be fine, adopt a problem-solving mindset rather than a complaining one, get more sleep, and figure out how to keep the good feelings I get from floating even when I’m not doing it every day.

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