Compounding Misery

There are a lot of things about modern life that can stress you out, from paying bills to dealing with anxiety to trying to find time to fit everything into the day. Some things are beyond your control, but you can make things easier on yourself by focusing on the things that you can control. A few simple changes can make a big difference.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, especially at work, I try to remember to stop and take several deep breaths to center myself. Then I’ll drink some water since being hydrated makes everything easier. If I feel hungry, I’ll also eat a bit of food for energy and a feeling of satisfaction. Doing just those simple things makes me feel much better and allows me to think more clearly. Whatever is stressing me then seems much simpler and easier to manage. Even if I’m dealing with a challenging situation, my ability to handle it is greatly improved just by those simple acts of self-care.

If I don’t do those things, then life becomes much harder than it has to be. If I haven’t had any food or water in a good while, I tend to get a headache and have trouble thinking straight. Letting my breathing get out of control makes me feel overcome with anxiety. And if I haven’t been getting enough sleep, then I’ll feel like I’m walking around in a fog that makes everything more difficult than when I’m properly rested. Compounding misery in this way all but guarantees me a stressful day.

So please, don’t make things harder on yourself than they have to be. If you’re thirsty, drink some water. If you’re hungry, eat some good food. If you’re tired, take a nap. Listen to your body and give it what it needs; make things smooth where you can so that you’re in a better position to deal with whatever situation arises. That may not eliminate all of your problems but it’ll make it harder for new problems to appear and make things even worse. Plus it’ll prevent you from having to work through your problems while you’re feeling lousy. Self-care works if you make sure to do it. I do my best to practice it every day and I hope you do as well.

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