My 1-Year Blogging Anniversary

My first blog post went up on August 15th, 2018, so I can officially say that I’ve been blogging for a whole year as of today. It feels like I’ve been blogging for much longer than a year, which may be due to the fact that I’ve put up more than 365 posts at this point. I avoided making a separate post about that because I wanted to celebrate both milestones at the same time.

As of now, my plan to continue posting every day for the remainder of 2019 looks a lot more achievable than it did months ago. I’ve somehow been able to put up a new post every day since I started, so I figure I can keep that going since I’m so close to the finish line. Once 2020 rolls around, I’m going to switch to weekly posts so that I’ll have more time to work on each post, examine the subjects I discuss more thoroughly, and ultimately create better posts. Plus it’ll allow me to focus more on my other interests and even explore new things. Since I’m in the habit of posting regularly, I’m confident that I can post once a week without forgetting, falling behind, or losing my touch.

I’ve come a long way since my first blog post. It’s now easier for me to express my thoughts through writing as well as speaking, I’ve gotten more courageous at sharing what’s on my mind (at least through my writing), and I’ve explored a lot of things that I had previously discussed with only a few people before I started blogging. Writing and posting regularly has shown me connections and possibilities between many subjects that I’d have otherwise never noticed; it has also made me rethink a lot of things and see the world very differently than I used to. Further, my life situation is overall much better now than it was last year, much of which is due to the reading and writing I’ve done for this blog. This is especially true for the handful of friends that I’ve grown much closer to through talking about the subjects I typically include in my posts.

There are countless things in my life that I’ve started and quite shortly thereafter. However, blogging has brought me so much joy, clarity, peace, and personal growth that I can’t imagine ever giving it up. As long as I still have ideas worth mentioning and some way to write them out, I’ll keep sharing my thoughts with whoever’s interested in reading them. This journey has been incredible so far and I’m looking forward to seeing where it takes me next.

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