What’s the Rush?

How many people do you know who are always rushing around, never stopping to catch their breath or smell the flowers? For them, the present is an obstacle preventing them from getting to some point in the future where they’d rather be. However, even when they get to the future, they can’t enjoy it because they’re thinking about yet another future moment. Or they might see the present as a protective barrier between themselves and a future that they dread. They’re so busy worrying about the future that they can’t find any peace in the now. In either case, they’re living their whole lives for the future and never for the present.

They can even do this when they go on vacation. Because they’re so used to rushing through life, they might also rush through what should be a time for them to slow down and relax. In fact, getting out of their normal routines, being in different places, and feeling like they have to do everything on their itineraries may make them even more stressed during their vacations than they are in their regular lives. This defeats the entire purpose of the vacation and just reinforces the bad habits they’ve developed for navigating life.

Of course, this is all completely unnecessary. There is no need to rush. Since rushing is caused by an anxious state of mind and is not simply moving quickly, you can settle your thoughts and still move at a fast pace without feeling panicked, stressed, or any other type of strain that originates from rushing. Even if you go on vacation, you can follow a set schedule and still do everything at a leisurely pace. The key is to live in the present moment and take things one step at a time. This allows you to fully experience whatever situation you’re in and enjoy it if you so desire. If you get anxious or start thinking about the future again, you can try focusing on your breath, watching your thoughts, or listening to a guided meditation (like this one from Alan Watts) to bring you back to the present. This way, no matter your life situation, you’ll feel much better and be able to act far more effectively than you ever could by rushing. Your life exists in the present moment, so don’t rush through it and miss out on everything it has to offer.

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