A Wonderful Change

Right now, the biggest change I’m experiencing is a change of jobs. I’ve long been looking for something else and I’ve finally found it. Even though I haven’t been at this new place for long and I’m still working at the other job, I’ve greatly enjoyed the journey thus far. Here are some of my observations.

I started thinking a lot about this a few days ago during my lunch break: how much I’m enjoying the job, how it’s much more in line with my plans for my life than any other job I’ve had, and how nice it is to be able to work by myself for extended periods of time in a calm, peaceful place. When I’m done for the day, I often feel better and more refreshed than I did when I first went in, and I normally feel great at the start of the day. I first noticed this one evening when I got off after a fantastic day. The setting sun painted beautiful colors across the sky, the weather was still and temperate, and I still had plenty of time to enjoy my day before going to bed. Ever since then, I’ve remembered that feeling at the end of my shift and carried it with me into whatever else I’ve done. That’s an amazing feeling and I’m so glad I get to experience it regularly.

In addition to the excitement and happiness I feel from working at this new place, I’m also excited about it for financial reasons. My finances have been the most difficult area for me to improve as it’s been a struggle to replace bad financial habits with good ones. I’ve steadily made progress, however, and now I get to make money doing something I love. This is a big step toward financial freedom and I’m so excited for that. It shows that all the time I’ve spent reading and learning about finances and business has paid off (no pun intended) and taken me closer to where I want to be in life. The fact that it also pays well is icing on the cake.

I’ve become a lot freer and happier since I started this job. This is a dream come true and I didn’t see it coming until it arrived; I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. Although I did actively pursue this and shift a lot of things around to make it work once the opportunity presented itself, it still feels like it just fell right into my lap. Of course, all the personal development work I did last year prepared me for this opportunity and put me in position to seize it when it appeared. I don’t think I’d have been qualified for this job or even wanted it if I hadn’t spent so much time growing and improving myself. There have been some challenges with this change (the biggest one being that I have no regular days off right now), and a lot is still up in the air for the time being. But I’ll gladly take the difficulty of change over the pain of feeling like I’m at a dead end any day. This whole experience has been a major sign that things are going according to plan. I’m so excited to see where this takes me and what lessons I’ll learn along the way.

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