The Great Awakening

This is an exciting time to be alive. More people are finding out that they don’t have to be slaves to their minds and are waking up out of deep suffering to see the beauty in life. What’s more, those with more experience at this are showing others how to get there, though each person must choose to walk that path or avoid it. For many, tremendous pain is what points them toward presence and peace, and some put up with a great deal of pain before finally surrendering and being free. Although many people wake up when they’ve had enough, others only sink into deeper sleep and never find out for themselves what freedom is like.

More people are losing faith in old, corrupt systems and are looking for new ways of doing things. Instead of depending on someone else to create the world they want to live in, they’re taking matters into their own hands and creating that world themselves. Accordingly, they’re spending less time paying attention to distractions and things that don’t matter so that they can focus on the truly important things in life. The culture is slowly shifting into a higher place where meaning is valued above empty pleasure.

Glitches and holes in the conventional perspective of the world we live in are becoming increasingly more common and easier to notice. Seeing those inconsistencies helps us break through illusions and get closer to the truth of our reality. Knowing how our minds work and how to see (as well as fix) our own blindspots and weaknesses is paramount to getting along with each other. Realizing that we’re much stronger standing together and helping each other than we are when fighting with each other is the way out of the present suffering and into a future of harmony and wonder. I’m grateful to be around to see this great awakening and I’m excited to watch it unfold.

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