Things That Help Me Relax

There are a lot of life hacks I use to relax and manage stress. I’ve written about some of them before, but those posts have mainly focused on dealing with negative emotions. While these things work great for that purpose, I sometimes just use them to maintain a good mood or have a little fun. These are my go-to life hacks for relaxing. I hope they help you as much as they help me: 

  1. Breathe. Slowing and controlling my breath quickly calms me down and helps me think more clearly. Unlike some other things in this post, this is something I can do anywhere. I don’t need anything outside of myself to do this; that plus the fact that it’s one of the most effective life hacks I know makes it the natural choice for the top of the list.
  2. Meditate. This follows nicely from the point about controlling the breath. I do this every day as part of my morning routine after I get out of bed and before I start my day. When I remember, I also like to do it in the afternoon and shortly before going to bed. It’s a great way to relax, clear my head, and get rid of negative emotions before they have a chance to take root and cause trouble. 
  3. Yield to the chair. Works with any piece of furniture, really, but chairs are probably the most common type. When I’m sitting or laying down, I make a conscious effort to relax my body as much as possible and let the surface upon which I’m resting support me. I concentrate on each body part and release the tension within it before moving onto the next one. A minute or two of doing this makes me feel very light and serene. 
  4. Lie down. If I’m feeling stressed enough, lying down on the floor and yielding to it helps. It’s much harder to be upset lying down than it is standing or sitting up, so this one is a good last resort. 
  5. Recite one of Mister Rogers’ songs. I wrote a post about this one a while back. Reciting the words to “What Do You Do With the Mad That You Feel?” has always settled me down and prevented me from acting out in anger. It’s worked for me 100% of the times I’ve tried it. Listening to Mister Rogers speak, whether to the camera or in conversation with another person, is also incredibly relaxing and calming. 

I also find that listening to music I enjoy helps me relax. Sometimes I put on some music while doing one or more of the above activities. Here are some songs that always put me in a better mood and make me feel at ease:

  1. “”Weightless” by Marconi Union. This song was intended to be relaxing, and it definitely works for me. Sometimes I’ll have it or the 10-hour version playing in the background while I go about my day just to loosen up a bit. 
  2. “For the Longest Time”. This is my favorite Billy Joel song. I love Billy Joel and a capella music, and he hit it out of the park with this one. I first heard it a few months after I started swing dancing regularly last year. When it came on, I realized how much I was enjoying dancing and watching others dance, and that I felt happy for the first time in months. I remember that good feeling and get the enjoyment of the song by itself whenever I hear it, so this has definitely earned its place on this list. 
  3. Don’t Worry Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin. Another a capella song by a great musician. I often listen to this song on my lunch break at work for its simple reminder and sweet sound. It’s helped me relax and maintain a positive attitude even when things are going crazy around me. 
  4. “Lookin’ Out My Back Door”. Creedence Clearwater Revival is one of my favorite bands and this is my favorite of their songs. I get a big smile on my face whenever I hear it. Something about it just feels right to me. It’s upbeat, happy, a bit bouncy, and has lots of fun lyrics. What more could you want? 
  5. “Coast of Carolina” by Jimmy Buffet. My favorite of Jimmy Buffet’s songs. Apart from just how relaxing it is, something about it meshes perfectly with how I think about life. I can’t explain it but it just makes sense to me on another level. He’s got a lot of great songs and this is the one I love the most. 
  6. “Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buffet. Yep, two Jimmy Buffet songs on this list. To me, “Margaritaville” is the best vacation song. Spending a lot of time in a place you love, taking it easy, and having a good time. It’s a great reminder to slow down whenever possible on a vacation and enjoy it instead of letting it fly by in a constant mad rush. 
  7. “Rainbow Connection” by Kermit the Frog. This is another song that resonates with me on another level and ties into my view of the world. It’s relaxing, sung by my favorite Muppet, and makes for what I think is the best opening number of any Muppet movie. This song always puts me in a good mood and makes me smile. 
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