4 Useful Realizations

Things have been going wonderfully overall for me lately. Along with that have been some interesting realizations. Here are some of them.

  1. Combative humans need not apply. Dealing with many who turn every issue into a fight for my entire upbringing taught me that I have to engage with them, whether it’s by giving in to what they want or fighting to get my way. Now, I know that I don’t have to put up with anyone who chooses to fight. I can just refuse to talk to them until/unless they speak in a civil way with me. That saves me from the exhausting task of being the only one interested in understanding what’s going on, translating it to the other person, staying calm, and focusing on finding a solution rather than needlessly escalating the problem.
  2. My boundaries are improving. From what I choose to say in a conversation, how I say it, and who I say it to, I’m feeling much more comfortable reserving the ability to make those decisions for myself instead of giving it to anyone else. There is also less interest in getting anyone to understand or approve of me since I’m growing in both understanding and approval of myself all the time. It’s wonderful being my own best company as I rarely feel lonely when I’m by myself, and it allows me to pick peaceful solitude over stressful socializing.
  3. I need more sleep. I’ve been missing enough sleep lately to feel excessively tired in the morning and often end up taking unintended naps during the day (some of which are long enough, late enough, or both to hurt my sleep that night). Fortunately, I feel much better today since I went to bed about half an hour earlier than usual last night and slept well. I’m planning to make that a nightly habit as this experience has reminded me how important it is to get enough quality sleep every night.
  4. These are the new good times. After years of pain, heartache, and misery, so much has improved. So many things in my life are either in a good place or are moving in that direction. I’ve heard many folks say that their 30s were better than their 20s. Since I’m in my early 30s and my 20s were insane, I find that notion extremely comforting, and it also seems to fit with what’s been happening for me as of late. As much as I wish my dog Sawyer were still here to join me in this new decade and life situation, and as sad as I feel knowing that he won’t be part of whatever new good times happen from here on out, I’m still enjoying the good stuff as it’s happening, and I hope Sawyer would feel pleased with the peace I feel and how I’m doing now.
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