Finding the Magic

A few weekends ago, I went to the beach with some friends. We had a wonderful visit and enjoyed a breathtaking sunset before leaving. We went in the evening and there weren’t a lot of man-made lights by the beach so it started getting quite dark toward the end. Dark enough that we probably could have seen a starry sky if it weren’t for the cloud cover. The next day, I watched the opening scene of The Lion King and was moved to tears at its beauty and power. I had some wonderfully deep conversations at my job the following day that reminded me that I’m not alone in how I see the world.

All of this showed me how much magic is available to us. I experienced a lot of it as a kid before a number of life events gradually beat it out of me. Since I’ve healed so much, I’m reconnecting with that magic now more than ever and it’s amazing to see it all come back. Problems seem to melt away, solutions present themselves automatically, peace is becoming my default state, and things that used to really get to me no longer do. I’m not the exception here; all of this is available to everyone.

One of my missions in life is to remind others of the possibilities available to us. We live on a big rock flying through a seemingly endless void of space and there are far more questions than answers about life. Keeping this perspective in mind is a great way to remember how petty all of humanity’s dramas, conflicts, and issues are. This world can be almost any way we want it to be and it’s too easy to forget that amid the hustle and bustle of modern life. Everyone needs to remember that we’re not meant to work tirelessly, pay bills, cycle through routines endlessly, and then die after raising kids to do the same exact thing. Anytime we are faced with a decision to do things the same way they’ve always been done or do them a better way and we choose the better way, that’s magic. That’s what will lead to a better world, a world that prioritizes health, well-being, connection, and joy over division, material gain, and financial accomplishments that ultimately cost far more than they are worth. That better world is available to us if we want it. So, do you want it?

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