The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

My main focus in life is helping people heal from emotional wounds. I don’t see much talk about this outside of a handful of discussions I have fairly regularly with a few people close to me. Fortunately it seems to be an increasingly common subject for discussion. Since I’ve experienced a lot of healing in my own life, I believe I’m in a good position to help those who want help, especially if what has worked for me also works for them.

When I first began venturing into this territory several years ago, I was shocked to learn how many people I know struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD, eating disorders, and other issues. I seem to meet new people every year who have some kind of internal struggle and that’s only counting those who are comfortable talking about it; I suspect many more people, especially elderly people, have lots of struggles that they never discuss. Talking about it shows that one is not alone and allows for reaching out, getting help, sharing useful information, etc. The easier it becomes to talk about this, the better off everyone will be.

I truly believe that most struggles stem from trauma and that most trauma originates during our formative years (that’s certainly where mine occurred). That’s why I believe that if all parents avoided traumatizing their kids, then most of the world’s present problems would go away. Everything from war to violence to poverty to hatred to self-esteem issues and almost everything else. This doesn’t mean that those who have been traumatized have no chance of the good life, however. Everyone can heal by working through their own trauma in any one of a number of effective ways. Of that I’m becoming increasingly more convinced. Everyone who does this move us all that much closer to a peaceful world. Avoiding trauma is the best way to go and working through trauma is the next best thing. This is why I’m interested in solving the problem at both ends: helping those who have been traumatized to recover from it and preventing anyone from being traumatized in the first place. This holistic approach leaves nobody behind and, I think, will make positive change occur much more quickly than would focusing on only the people in one situation while neglecting those in the other.

This really feels like the missing piece of the puzzle. No matter how well the economy is doing, how much medicine has advanced, or how much easier technology has made modern life, it seems that everyone is still discontent as long as they have an inner struggle. As if having the world at one’s fingers means nothing unless it’s accompanied by inner peace. How would the world look if everyone had inner peace on top of all their other needs satisfied? Everyone would move from surviving to thriving. From pain to peace. From fighting to loving. From more of the same to something incredible. I hope to see this and I believe we can all work together to make it happen. How about you?

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