6 Good Things to Do Right Now

If my neck of the woods is any indication, then modern life has been turned upside down as of late. So many businesses, parties, weddings, trips, and small gatherings have been canceled, and it looks like that will only continue. Accordingly, I thought it would be helpful to share some good things to do during this time. This is as much for me as it is for you and I hope it helps all of us.

  1. Get plenty of sleep. I can always tell when I’ve had enough sleep and when I haven’t. Being sleep deprived makes everything more difficult and frustrating. And, as Matthew Walker talks about on this Joe Rogan podcast, sleep is crucial to our health, well-being, and length of life.
  2. Drink a lot of water. Among other things, staying hydrated makes it easier to think clearly, avoid overheating, and exercise more effectively. It’s one of the easiest and most satisfying things you can do for your health. If, like me, you often forget to drink water, you can try this life hack: find a YouTube playlist that’s at least half an hour long (I use this Jim Croce playlist) and take a drink after each song. Doing this once should get you decently hydrated and doing it twice will definitely get you there.
  3. Eat regularly. Being hungry can lead to lots of impulsive and harmful decisions. It also increases stress and can cause headaches, both of which make it harder to make good decisions and interact well with other people. For best results, eat quality food several times a day to stay feeling good and avoid hunger pangs.
  4. Reduce stress. In addition to making you feel terrible, stress can weaken your immune system and make it harder for you to fight off disease. There are all kinds of things you can do to manage, reduce, or even eliminate stress: meditation, breathing techniques, dancing, exercising, reading, talking to loved ones, spending time in nature, hanging out with pets, etc. Focus on whatever helps you avoid stress and do it as often as you need to feel better.
  5. Start or maintain hobbies. This is critical for me right now. My regular swing dance events and self defense lessons aren’t happening for the foreseeable future, so I’ve lost a lot of predictability in my life. As such, it’s important that I keep doing the things I can do by myself, such as unicycling, working on my Spanish, writing, exercising, meditating, reading, and so on. Having something predictable that I can do every day (or a few times a week in some cases) helps keep me grounded and prevents me from going stir crazy.
  6. Keep in touch with loved ones. Although I’m both reserved and introverted (by that I mean being around people tires me out, even if I’m around people I like), I do miss seeing my friends and close acquaintances from swing dancing. Even though online interaction doesn’t fully replace in-person gatherings, it still provides a way for me to keep in touch with good people. Online and text-based communication can do even more to keep you connected with friends or family members who live far away or who are unable to travel to see you right now.
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