The Modern Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone was a monumental discovery. It allowed for the translation of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and allowed modern researchers to understand things long thought lost to history. This opened a flow of information about an ancient civilization that would likely have otherwise remained shut due to the language barrier.

In our times, the problem of communication has less to do with language barriers and more to do with people who speak the same languages but still can’t understand each other. They may hear the words but, in many cases, they’re not actually interested in listening to and understanding those around them. This could be because they’re more interested in speaking than listening, they’re stuck in their own thoughts, or they misunderstand someone and assume the worst about them rather than ask for clarification. Whatever the reason, this causes a lot of unnecessary problems in many areas of life.

I long for a modern Rosetta Stone that will allow anyone to understand those around them if they so desire, whether they’re with complete strangers or dear friends and family members. I’m imagining an approach that’s been tested and shown to work well in nearly every situation that involves communication. This approach could be taught by those who know it to others through regular use in everyday life as well as through intentional lessons designed to break it down and make it clear to everyone who wants to learn it. I’m doing what I can to make that happen through this blog, my daily interactions with others, and a book I’m writing that will contain everything I’ve learned about effective communication. This, along with the people in my life who know how to truly listen and seek to understand the perspectives of others, gives me hope that we can one day solve the communication problem and, in so doing, open a flood of information that will allow us to accomplish nearly anything we wish. That’s my dream and I hope my efforts will help it come true within my lifetime.

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