Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

(Real quick: this will be my last daily blog post. I’ll still be posting once a week, though, so I’m not going anywhere. Thanks for accompanying me on this journey thus far. I hope you stick around to see where this year takes me. Without further ado, on to the post!)

For me, 2019 ended on a very nice note. I had several events and parties that I could have attended but I chose instead to have a quiet day mostly to myself. Since I had the day off from work, I slept in and kept a nice leisurely pace throughout the day. After breakfast, I played my Star Wars game for a while and then went out for a late lunch/early dinner (sweet tea, french fries, and the best steak I’ve ever eaten). I was pretty full at that point, so I went home to rest up for a bit before heading back out.

I then went to a park close to my house and spent some time throwing around a stone and some weights with a friend. Even though I had never tried that stuff before, I stayed patient, listened to his advice, and adjusted my technique until I started getting a feel for the movements. We finished up, walked a few blocks for some food, and hung out for a while longer before parting ways. I headed home to juggle, write a blog post, and rest a bit. I had debated whether to go out or stay home and I decided to go out to ring in the new year, so I stopped by a local nightclub to visit with another friend for a little while. I stuck around for a bit after midnight and then went back home to read and head to bed.

This was the quietest New Year’s celebration I’ve had since 2016 and I loved it. I had plenty of time by myself to pursue my interests and recharge while still getting a decent amount of meaningful socializing. I also didn’t have any solid plans yesterday and just did things as I went, which was a nice change of pace. Some people like to go big when they celebrate but I’m finding more and more that I generally like to keep things simple. This was a great way to say goodbye to 2019 and welcome in 2020, and I hope the rest of this year continues along similar lines.

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