Things I Do When I’m Stressed

I’ve noticed some things I tend to do whenever I’m stressed, especially for extended periods of time. When I start doing these things, I try to figure out what’s causing the stress and work on taking care of that. Otherwise I would feel as if I’m merely treating the symptoms of a disease without doing anything to the disease itself, a course of action that may provide temporary relief but would ultimately do more harm than good in the long run. With that in mind, these are some of the things I do when I’m stressed.

  1. Bite my lips. I’ve done this for years and I don’t know why. Using lip balm regularly has helped me nearly eliminate this bad habit, but I still find myself doing it when I’m particularly stressed. This is one of the first things I notice and it lets me know right away that something is wrong.
  2. Eat out a lot, especially at fast food restaurants. Eating out is easier than preparing food at home, so if I don’t have much energy or I’m feeling upset, I tend to go to one of several restaurants that I enjoy. My love of fried food and sweet treats makes me even more likely to indulge during the rough times.
  3. Stay up late. I may be hoping to avoid dreaming about what’s on my mind, trying to stretch out the day so I don’t have to face tomorrow’s responsibilities, or lacking the will to get ready for bed. Either way, I tend to get way less sleep than I need when I’m stressed, which makes me more stressed and causes me to miss more sleep, and so on. Fortunately, this one eventually sorts itself out; once I’m tired enough, I’ll turn in earlier and get plenty of sleep. I wish everything else on this list fixed itself.
  4. Get less done. Being stressed makes it harder for me to think clearly and focus while also draining me of energy, so I’m less productive during times of stress. When I do engage in my regular activities, I typically do so with less enthusiasm and vigor than usual. Sometimes sticking to my routine helps lift my spirits, but other times it takes me a good while to feel like myself again.
  5. Lash out more easily. I’m more likely to make assumptions and take things personally when I’m stressed, which increases my chances of lashing out at those around me. I’ve gotten better at controlling myself over time, though, so I don’t do this as much as I used to.
  6. Spend more time away from people. I get drained by extensive interaction with other people even when I’m in a great mood, and being stressed makes me get worn out faster. If I do go out, I may be more closed off than usual, such as not saying much or sitting toward the end of a group. Once I’ve spent enough time by myself and I’m in a better mood, I become more social and begin to seek out enjoyable interactions once again.
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