The Hero’s Path

Here’s to all the people who are working hard to improve themselves. Whatever they’re struggling with, they’re doing their best to overcome it and be the best possible version of themselves. They’re taking ownership of their dark side and controlling it instead of allowing it to wreck their lives and the lives of those around them.

They’ve embarked on a journey that spans their whole lives and crosses over untold amounts of tears and anger, yet they’re choosing to walk it anyway, one step at a time. And even when they fall, they pick themselves up and keep moving forward. Many would give up before ever truly trying, deciding that that path is too difficult and painful to walk, but a select few embrace the pain and work through it until they’ve mastered it.

Everyone has a different cross to bear and everyone handles it in their own way. Some suffer in silence while others reach out for help, and still others have come so far and done such an amazing job that you’d never know they once struggled. Those who have made incredible progress are intimately familiar with their weak points and, in times of doubt, can look at how far they’ve come as motivation to keep going.

Lastly, here’s to the people that know someone who’s struggling and are supporting them however they need it, whether that’s through listening, giving them a place to live, getting them to a medical professional, or in some other way making them feel loved. Because even heroes still need help when they stumble while climbing mountains of their own making.

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