Take My Ideas, Please

I once heard economist David Friedman say something along the lines of “When you’re young, you’re afraid somebody will steal your ideas; when you’re old, you’re afraid nobody will”. Though I’m quite young, I still resonate with Friedman’s statement. That’s why I share so many ideas, whether they’re my own or someone else’s (and I always credit other people when I mention one of their ideas). My blog is the main way I share the ideas I find fascinating and valuable, mostly because I can still communicate my thoughts much more clearly in writing even though my speaking ability has improved tremendously over the past few years.

Additionally, even though I plan to write and sell at least a few books, I’m still going to freely share what I learn through my blog and in meaningful conversations with people who share one or more of my big interests. Whether I’m discussing an original idea of mine or one from somebody else, I want to give anyone who finds it fascinating the opportunity to use it. Why keep the good stuff to myself when I can so easily share it and give others the chance to benefit from it as well?

I don’t want my ideas to die with me. Even if I put my ideas out there as often as I can, that accomplishes nothing unless someone grabs hold of them and puts them into practice. That’s what I want more than almost anything else in the world. Accordingly, I request that you address what I share on my blog in the same way that I address everything I come across: take whatever you find valuable and leave the rest. Many of you already do this and I appreciate that so much. It lets me know that I’m regularly providing value for you, so please keep telling me whenever you find something in one of my posts that resonates with you and I’ll keep sharing what I find as I continue to get better at living and enjoying life.

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