
Do you ever feel stuck? Like you know where you want to go and what you want to do when you get there, but try as you might, you keep spinning your wheels and staying put? There may be a visible obstacle in your way that you just can’t seem to overcome, or maybe the path appears clear and you could almost reach out and touch your goal, but it’s just out of reach and you remain stuck.

To avoid sinking into depression, you might count your blessings and remind yourself that it could be worse. That works for a while, but then nothing changes and it gradually becomes more difficult to find the silver lining. It becomes harder to convince yourself that things will start looking up and someday you’ll no longer be stuck. This is when despair becomes almost impossible to avoid. 

At some point, whatever was holding you back vanishes and you can finally move forward. Maybe you were holding yourself back without realizing it, maybe you still had something to learn before you could move on, maybe you looked at what other people did to move forward in life, or maybe someone who was working against you gave up. Whatever the reason, now you’re free. Now you can race forward at full speed, bound only by the limitations you set for yourself. Now you have the power to make your life into whatever you want it to be. Now you’re no longer stuck.

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