Some Recent Thoughts About Online Communication

I had a recent realization that may explain why online communication can so easily become hostile. Online communication consists mostly of text and has a small amount of audio and video. Posts, comments, questions, answers, and arguments almost are almost entirely done through typing. This is problematic because it prevents one participant from seeing how another looks and how they sound while they’re conversing. A lot of information that is normally communicated through facial expressions, body language, and quality of voice is lost this way, making it much easier to misunderstand something or assume the worst about someone.

If the internet were arranged such that most communication came in the form of either live or recorded videos that allowed participants to see and hear each other instead of simply reading text, then I think there’d be much more civility in online discussions. It would probably also be much harder for trolls and other troublemakers to wreak havoc while hiding behind fake profiles. Sincerity and trolling would both require much more effort and I think sincerity would have a good chance of winning out.

This arrangement may or may not work out as I imagine it would and I’m not advocating for trying it. I just wanted to share something that’s been on my mind lately and see what you think about it. Although I find it easier to share my thoughts and speak my mind through text, I prefer to have important conversations in person because it’s much easier that way for everyone involved to see what’s going on and avoid misunderstandings that could easily occur online. What do you think about all of this? Leave a comment if you like and I will see you in the next post. Take care.

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