Reflections on Time

Time is my least favorite thing of all

Especially when it gives my loved ones a call

Looking at fond memories makes me feel blue

Seeing but not touching; I can’t break through

Mocked by Time as I can’t go back

It forces me forward on my life’s track

Always giving me friend after friend

Only to take them all from me in the end

They go away and I stick around

Wondering why it’s not my body being put in the ground

So many regrets from how certain things went

Chances I wasted and Time poorly spent

I can’t change a thing no matter how hard I try

All I can do is watch my past and cry

Can’t even go back for a visit to show

Those dear to me how I still love them so

I’d love to visit my grandfather one more time

To see Sawyer while still in his prime

Only in dreams can I return to the past

For reunions and visits that don’t ever last

This will only continue in life as I age

Losing loved ones fills me with sadness and rage

Cruelest of all has got to be

The difference in lifespans of Sawyer and me

I’m still young at nearly thirty years old

Yet Sawyer a senior dog at less than half my age, so I’m told

He died in old age and went away from me

Now I have to live my whole life without my best buddy

Even if we’re reunited forever someday

I still have a long life to live before we get to play

How can anyone find this all right?

Or sleep soundly while this weighs on them each night?

I don’t have the answers; all I can do is my best

To live a good life before it’s my turn to rest

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