Realizations About Three Songs I Love

Sometime within the past few weeks, I was talking with my mindfulness buddy about a video of dogs set to some nice music. I had some big realizations during that conversation about a few particular songs and why they mean so much to me. I’d like to talk a bit about them in this blog post.

The dog video has relaxing guitar music playing over cute Shiba Inu dogs. That made me start thinking about how much unconditional love dogs display to their families. Dogs are basically love incarnate, and love is ultimately the foundation of what will save the world. This video caught my attention and made me realize it has an important message underneath it. The music and the dogs playing with each other made me feel alive in the best way.

Another special song to me is “Rainbow Connection” from The Muppet Movie. This one tells me that there are more people like me out there who understand the things I talk about on my blog and are working on leaving the world better than they found it. I may end up working alongside some of them or our paths may never cross. Either way, I’m not alone because there are many more lovers and dreamers in the world, so we will be able to make a positive difference within our lifetimes. And, since I see a lot of myself in Kermit the Frog, it means a lot to me that he sings this song.

The third song that has an extra special place in my heart is “I Got a Name” by Jim Croce. No matter what anyone else says or how I’m feeling at any given moment, I am somebody. I’m moving forward and upward in life, I’m going to be free, and I’ll get there even if those before me didn’t. Jim Croce is one of my favorite musicians and this is by far my favorite of his songs.

I’m so glad that I finally figured out why those songs mean so much to me and make me feel so good whenever I listen to them. This is one of many things I love about having a mindfulness buddy. While we often offer each other advice, we’ve also learned a lot from simply talking to each other and figuring things out as we go; that’s exactly what happened with the realizations I had about those songs. I had never though much about why they make me feel a certain way before that conversation but once I got started, the ideas kept flowing until I had my answers. Now that I know why I love those songs so much, I’m excited to continue receiving answers to other questions about my life and seeing where those answers take me.

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