Look for the Helpers

When he was a little kid, Mister Rogers’s mother encouraged him to “look for the helpers” in difficult times. Later in his life, he passed that same wisdom onto the rest of us. This is a good way to see stressful situations in a better, more balanced way. Whatever you focus on the most leaves the biggest impression on you, so you can either see the downside of a situation and feel terrible or see the upside and feel better. Looking at those who are helping is a great way to see the upside, as is doing what you can to help (more on that later).

You might be wondering where all the helpers are. Although it can sometimes be hard to see them, they’re out there doing what they can to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, they don’t get as much publicity as those who cause harm. The news primarily focuses on stories involving violence, pain, and controversy because those things draw more attention than stories about peace, love, and joy. You can find the helpers if you look for them, though. They’re out there giving their time and money to those who are in a difficult spot and need a hand.

There are always people who step up and help out in rough situations. And no matter what’s going on, you can step up and be a helper if you feel called to do so. Volunteering is an awesome thing to do, as is donating food, clothes, money, or other resources. If you can do nothing else, you can at least find out about those in need and contact someone who can step in to help them out. The internet has made it easier than ever to do all of this and allows people to move quickly to where they can do the most good. So if you’re upset about a recent tragedy, why not see what you can do to make a positive difference? You’ll be glad you did, and so will the people you helped.

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