A Nice Sunday

Sundays are usually unpredictable for me. I used to always have a set Sunday routine, but my schedule has fluctuated almost constantly since I switched jobs. I happened to have had the day off work yesterday and got to spend a lot of time doing cool things with great people. Here’s an overview of that nice Sunday.

I started off by meeting up with some of my friends from swing dancing to give blood. We decided to make this a superhero-theme event, so we all dressed accordingly; I brought my Captain America jacket and shield for extra fun. This was my first blood donation in a few years and it was probably the smoothest experience I’ve had. Apart from some nervousness at the beginning, I felt fine during and after the donation. I even got out of the chair earlier than I usually do and spent a lot of time walking around without any issues. Everyone else in my group also had a smooth, positive experience. Once we finished donating, we hung around, ate, drank, and joked with each other for a while until we all felt comfortable leaving.

After taking some time to rest, we went to Mellow Mushroom and joined more of our fellow swing dancers for some good food and a friend’s birthday celebration. It was nice getting to visit and talk in a place that allows for good conversations without having to shout to be heard. And the food was especially helpful for those of us who had donated blood. Without my pizza, I doubt I could have had fun dancing at the Volstead. Last night was the first time I’d ever tried dancing after giving blood and it went pretty well. I got tired more easily during some of the faster songs but I could still dance close to how I usually do and I never felt sick or lightheaded. I even managed to stick around and visit with a few people for a good while afterward before heading home for some much-needed sleep.

It was nice to have a slower, quieter Sunday. Some days keep me in constant motion, so I’m glad I go to take it easy and spend time around a lot of cool people yesterday. I was able to get in some chinups and unicycling before I left the house, so the blood donation didn’t prevent me from doing any of the things that I love. Sunday has gone from being my least favorite day of the week to one of my favorites and this one was the best I’ve had in a long time.

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