300 Posts

This is my 300th blog post. I’m amazed at this for several reasons. First, I remember when I started my blog and hadn’t yet put up a single post. Sometimes that feels like ages ago and other times it feels like I just started. And second, I’ve been able to stick to my goal of a post every day for just about two months shy of a year now. I’ve gone on several multi-day trips, spent several days working 10+ hours at two jobs, and had other extremely busy periods since I started blogging, and yet I’ve always managed to find time to prepare a blog post. They haven’t always been groundbreaking, insightful, or useful, but I’ve always done my best to at least make them entertaining and worth reading. And I am proud of the quality of several posts that I started and finished within the same day. I think that’s only possible since I read nearly everything I can get my hands on, regularly discuss big ideas with other curious people, think through a lot of things before I ever start typing them out, and am so used to working on my computer. That makes it much easier to crank out posts than it would be if I were missing any one of those habits.

I had originally planned to put up a post every day for a year and then switch over to a more relaxed schedule, perhaps a post a week. That would mean putting up my 365th post halfway through August of this year. However, I decided a while back to continue my daily posts through the end of 2019. That way I’ll have posted each day for a year from the time I started blogging as well as a full calendar year. Once I’ve finished that (by which time I’ll have well over 500 posts), I’ll probably start posting once a week, which will give me more time to assemble posts, improve their quality, explore more new ideas, and devote more attention to other things in my life. That will also give me more time to comb through my past posts and figure out which ones would work well in the book I’m writing. Although I’ll probably miss posting every day for a while, I think moving to weekly posts will be a welcome break and a good change of direction.

As I’ve mentioned in this and other posts, it’s often difficult for me to come up with new posts. I’ve gone through a lot of ideas that I’ve spent years developing and can explain easily, so it’s been a stretch much of the time to think of and flesh out the next idea. Some of my posts have explored the same subjects from different angles, which I’ve enjoyed doing. Revisiting a subject once I’ve gathered more knowledge and experience has given me some additional nuance and perspective, and it also gives me more appreciation for that subject. I like the challenge of constantly finding new things worth sharing and seeing how much that’s improved my ability to learn new things, quickly find solutions to problems in all areas of my life, and articulate my ideas both verbally and in written form. But above all else, I’ve kept this up because of everyone who’s enjoyed my blog. I regularly get positive comments and reactions when I share my posts on social media. At least once a month, someone will say that a particular post helped them just when they needed it. I’ll occasionally hear that and other positive comments directly from some people I know in person as well. I’ve always loved sharing my ideas with other people and this blog has been a great way to do that. As long as I have ideas worth sharing, I’ll keep putting up posts about things that have changed my life for the better and hoping that they continue to do the same for others.

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