
I’m generally optimistic. While I’ve had plenty of moments of pessimism and negativity in my life, overall I’ve maintained a mindset that things will get better and work out in the end. I don’t know why that’s largely been my mindset, but I think it’s helped.

Being optimistic makes it easier to deal with difficult situations when they arise. No matter what situation I get into, I believe there’s a solution for it and that I’ll be able to find and implement it; most of the time there is a solution even if someone else ends up providing it. When the only solution is to just grit my teeth and get through it, it helps to know that this too shall pass and I’ll be able to do other things soon. Keeping an optimistic mindset helps me stay positive, which I think other people can sense and probably benefit from as well. If they get the sense that I want the best solution for everyone involved in a given situation, they’ll probably be more patient with me and know that we’re on the same page as we go through this together. Whether this actually works or not, I certainly feel better when I’m in an optimistic, positive mood than when I’m in a pessimistic, negative mood.

As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I have had many moments in which my optimism almost completely left me. I say it almost left me because I don’t think I’ve ever been totally devoid of optimism. Those who have often end up acting out violently against themselves or someone else. Even in my darkest times, I never planned to do either of those. I still found some reason to genuinely smile and participate in activities that made me feel alive and happy. I think it would have taken a lot more time and much more positive activities to get me out of my funk if I had a generally pessimistic mindset. 

My sense that things will ultimately work out is what allowed me to keep going through the most difficult times in my life and it’s what motivates me to keep chasing my biggest dreams. I’ve realized through years of reading nearly every book I can get my hands on that my ignorance will always exceed my knowledge and understanding, but I avoid despairing over that. Instead, I seek out useful information on how to improve myself and my life from the people who have done that for themselves and thousands of others before me. The stuff I’ve learned so far has made a huge positive difference in my life and has given me even more hope that the future will work out as long as I keep doing my best and seeing the good everywhere I can find it. 

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