Take a Page from Batman

Batman is known for his amazing preparation skills. He researches his enemies (as well as his allies) to find their weaknesses and figure out how to defeat them should the need arise. There seems to be almost no situation for which he can’t properly prepare as long as he has enough prep time. While Batman stands head and shoulders above me when it comes to preparation, I have gotten pretty good at it over time and I’d like to pass on what I do.

My general thinking about preparation stems from something I’ve heard numerous times, which is that it’s better to have something and not need it than need it and not have it. I can think of many situations in which I have been under-prepared but I can’t think of any situation in which I have been over-prepared, at least to the point of it becoming a problem. I’ve gotten better at preparation over time and now I typically have everything I need and most everything I want wherever I go.

Whenever I prepare for a trip where I’ll be gone for at least a few days, I mentally walk through my daily routines and think about what I need to carry them out. I visualize myself doing everyday activities (brushing my teeth, showering, changing my clothes, etc) and make a note of what I’m using for each of those activities so I make sure to bring them with me. Additionally, I keep a generic packing list on my flash drive. The list works for the majority of my trips and I can easily edit it for specific trips if necessary. This way I avoid having to remember everything I want to pack every time. For day trips or trips to my usual places around town such as work and swing dancing, I do essentially the same thing, except for extensive packing and making use of a packing list. 

Whether I’m preparing for a long trip or a short trip, I also typically think about things that would be nice to have, either because they’re useful or because they’re fun. It’s nice to be prepared for sudden changes in the weather, spontaneous trips to the beach when I don’t have time to go home first, and opportunities to surprise and delight my friends by having things that they didn’t expect (although some of them have come to expect this from me). 

Preparation involves more than just what I take with me. A big part of preparing for trips is making sure the transportation and lodging are in order. As I write this, I just finished airing up my tires for a big road trip and before the night is over, I’ll top off my gas tank; doing these things tonight means I can leave earlier tomorrow and get off to a smooth start. Additionally, I’ll be staying with friends in a couple of different places during this upcoming trip, both of which were arranged well in advance. I enjoy surprises but not when it involves vehicle problems or trying to find a place to stay last-minute. By thinking ahead and starting to prepare early, I can minimize my chances of running into problems and maximize my chances of having a smooth, enjoyable trip. Maybe someday I’ll be on Batman’s level when it comes to preparation, but where I’m at now works pretty well for me. 

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