Sawyer Moments

I keep a list of wonderful memories of my dog Sawyer. I call it Sawyer Moments, started it about a month before Sawyer’s death, and add to it each day. Updating it and occasionally reading through it have been very comforting for me since I lost him. Here are some of my favorite Sawyer Moments.

  1. Licking dirt to make me chase him around the backyard
  2. Lying down on my clean jeans, pawing at them after I took them away, and then going to sleep on a used pair I gave him
  3. Sleeping while using his Moon toy as an adorable pillow
  4. Wagging his tail after I said “Sawyer” not long before leaving one time
  5. Looking at the ground in the backyard, seeing me, and then smiling after I said “Hey, Sawyer”
  6. Licking my face during my senior pictures
  7. Sniffing my hand and then standing up to grab my arm in the backyard one morning
  8. Sitting/lying down on a blanket while I dragged him around the house
  9. Playing in the hall with us after a bath, running to the front room, and running back with his Moon
  10. Showing concern for me when I had a bad headache after a class
  11. Looking at me with some of his fur in his mouth when I called his name
  12. Lying down on my dirty clothes by the laundry area
  13. Grabbing my hand with his paw and moving it toward his chest
  14. Rolling around under his bed after coming back in from outside
  15. Rolling around under somebody’s bed covers and squeaking while moving a bit
  16. Growling at his reflection when I held him up to a mirror
  17. Running around energetically after his baths
  18. Smiling while panting, stopping and widening his eyes when I said his name, and then tilting his head when I asked him if he wanted to go outside
  19. Giving me his paw when I said “Just put your little hand in mine”
  20. Wanting to get up on the couch but only jumping up after I patted the spot next to me
  21. Walking from his bed to sit with me on car trips
  22. Having his own little Christmas stocking and getting stuff for Christmas
  23. Taking long drinks to delay me leaving
  24. Running up to my car when I was backing up the driveway while he was on his nightly walk and visiting with me after I stopped the car and got out to see him
  25. Sitting by the window while sleepily opening and closing his eyes as I scratched his chest
  26. Lying on my shoulder when I was on the couch
  27. Excitedly jumping up to tap the couch when I slept there one night and then sleeping on the floor beside the couch
  28. Playfully biting my nose, fingers, and toes when he was under a blanket
  29. Playfully biting my nose, fingers, and toes when I was under a blanket
  30. Lying down on my weighted blanket on Christmas Day 2021
  31. Dancing Balboa with me to country music in the front room
  32. Begging to sit on my lap and then falling asleep after I picked him up and put him there
  33. Winking once when I held him up to a mirror as if he was admiring his reflection
  34. Looking back at me on the couch and smiling when I started petting him
  35. Getting in his bed by the garage door when we were preparing for car rides
  36. Sleeping on my lap at the computer while wearing his thunder shirt
  37. Sleeping near and under the Christmas tree
  38. Lying down on small towels, tissues, and other small things
  39. Settling down quickly after I spoke softly to him at the window while he was in a tizzy
  40. Bowing when I came near him
  41. Staying in a bow as I hugged, scratched, and visited with him
  42. Walking over to me and putting his head face down on my leg
  43. Quickly and confidently putting his paw down on his stuffed bunny
  44. Stretching while lying down and then putting his paw to his mouth as if covering a yawn
  45. Looking me in the eye and then closing his eyes and tipping his head back a bit when I pet his head
  46. Looking his eyes to one side and raising his eyebrow after I asked him something
  47. Licking my face when I held him at a family get together early on in our time together
  48. Giving me high, low, and middle fives    
  49. Putting his head down while lying on my bed in the morning when asked if he wanted to stay in there with me
  50. Lying down on his back and licking my hand while holding it with both paws
  51. Looking around contentedly with half closed eyes while lying down on the cool deck
  52. Sleeping under my Spiderman blanket for a long time after I covered him up with it
  53. Hiding from baths under furniture
  54. Running on his side (without going anywhere) in his sleep
  55. Wagging his tail in his sleep
  56. Sleepily rolling over while rubbing his face with both paws
  57. Putting one leg straight up in the air while he slept on his back
  58. Rolling over onto his back while smiling as soon as I touched his side lightly
  59. Howling excitedly when he came into my room to wake me up
  60. Yelling and going berserk at the front window when a cat was outside it totally indifferent to what Sawyer was doing
  61. Looking at me and then looking down at the floor where he wanted me to sit next to him
  62. Walking over to sit with me on long car trips
  63. Panting while looking around the backyard, dropping down and looking at me with wide eyes when I made a sudden move, and then running around excitedly as I chased him
  64. Seeing me come home, telling other folks, and then greeting me excitedly when I went inside
  65. Sticking his tongue out with half-closed eyes while being held in a reclined position
  66. Repeatedly squeaking Moon, Owl, Squirrel, and his other squeaky toys
  67. Barking at fireworks instead of feeling scared by them
  68. Moving his ears apart to make room for my hand when I went to pet his head
  69. Knocking on my door in the morning to come visit with me
  70. Running over excitedly to see me when I met him outside
  71. Sleeping in late with me in my bed one morning when it was just us in the house
  72. Staring at me until I gave him pets, cuddles, or some other kind of attention
  73. Putting his nose on someone’s elbow to get their attention
  74. Running around and playing with other dogs at the animal place the day we got him
  75. Looking upset when someone talked to me during Sawyer/Ian Time
  76. Looking at me with concern when I felt bad
  77. Immediately settling down from yelling out the front window after I spoke calmly to him
  78. Visiting with my nephew and nieces on Christmas Day 2021
  79. Adoring and being adored by everyone who met him
  80. Sleeping while I watched TV or a movie when we were home alone
  81. Learning and responding to his name early on after first coming home
  82. Leaving nose prints on the front windows
  83. Making me feel better on my hard days by showing me extra love, concern, and attention when I felt sick, sad, or lonely
  84. Taking my seat and then staring at me when I came back like “What?”
  85. Looking at me with eyes full of love
  86. Napping in the car on long drives
  87. Listening to me when I sang to him
  88. Walking down to the end of the couch and lying down next to my feet
  89. Keeping his front paws on my leg as I attempted to get up and looking at me like “Where are you going?”
  90. Greeting me extra excitedly when I came home from a multi-day trip
  91. Casting cute little shadows outside
  92. Carrying a towel with him on his back while he walked around
  93. Periodically looking in the front room to make sure everyone was still there before returning to chill in the kitchen
  94. Letting me hold him and rock him back and forth while telling him goodnight
  95. Getting into the pool with me for a bit
  96. Smiling hugely at me while greeting me when I came back home
  97. Winking and then smiling at me to say yes after I asked him a question
  98. Keeping one eye open while resting and occasionally sleeping
  99. Going to bed by himself when he felt exhausted one day before anybody noticed or went through the bedtime routine
  100. Sitting, standing, or laying nearby when family members sang to me on my birthday
  101. Making every birthday better just by being there
  102. Crossing his back legs while I scratched him as he laid on his back
  103. Sniffing a treat and then making a “throw it” gesture with his head so he could chase it
  104. Dancing his front paws around excitedly while waiting for a treat to be thrown
  105. Slowly sinking into a lying down position while licking my face as I was lying on the floor
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